NEW VIDEO!!! Bus Video 1080p clip online REDCODE

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Jannard said:


You're such a tease......Hey, wait a second, aren't you supposed to be locked in the basement doing mad-scientist things and putting Frankie together?
Less typing. More bleeding-edge work. :)
Although I have not seen the footage yet... I would gather the usual cast of characters for outdoor shoots---Mombo combos, butterflys, silks (rags),hmis,hard reflectors, butterfly with white(black side down) banded camlok, etc .....-- the usual 3-ton grip/electric....

How is Spike coming along Jim?
Jannard said:
I think it was a 2k and a reflector...


I love it. Seriously, my back thanks you. I hate banded...

Spike is close. We are dialated and fully effaced...

Brilliant. I cannot wait. Jim you have no idea what this camera means to me and the projects that are already forming because of it.
We had a joker providing some sidelight and 2 large 4x4 foil reflectors in the background for some rimlight.


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Hey Jarred,
I'll host this as well if you want. But my upload speed is just as sloowwwww as it gets. And I'm gonna be in dial-up land for the next couple of days. I've got ftp access to the subdomain I am hosting the other red files. If you want someone to share the load, and you don't mind ftp'in it onto my site, I'll be glad to. Just let me know.

Jannard said:
I think it was a 2k and a reflector...

Spike is close. We are dialated and fully effaced...


Having a five-month pregnant wife around, this statement should not be technical to me, but all I can think of is the camera. :) I hope the camera and baby come out just fine. Both are due at the same time of the year. :)

I have been worrying about what to get my wife as a baby-gift....and now I've got it all figured out. I can etch my baby-girls name and birthdate on the bottom of the camera. What an heirloom.
Thanks Jarred for the bts shot. Right now I only have access to dial up and I have not seen the footage yet. It is very encouraging that you guys achieved these results(from photo) without the 3 ton g/e. Great stuff...

Jim the laser etching for insanityfw is a very cool gesture.
I threw the footage in final cut just now..and exported an h264 compressed down to STILL looked incredible..and the total file size is under 9 megs.
Jim, you are a visionary and a revolutionary. My hat is off to you and the RED team.

Somebody nominate this man for an Academy Award now! Sooner or later there's going to be an Oscar sitting on his mantle place for the creation of this soon to be Redvolutionary film making tool; so they might as well put his name in now.
It's inevitable.

Go ahead call me a homer, but you can book it.

Ian Sun
Anansi Moving Images
RED One 1073
RED One 1080
The images look great, but how about a liittle constructive criticism, or rather just a question. Isn't there some motion artifacting (maybe not the right term) near the end of the shot on the girl on the right ? The motion looks strange to me, kind of jerky when she moves fast. Why is that ?

Seeing stills is one thing, but when you see moving footage like this..... stunning.

My Dual Core cannot even play this back smoothly and it's only half size...... wow.

Also this was shot with Frankie and in the other thread they are saying they have 11 stops of lattitude out of the sensor now (maybe 8.5 for this shot). It's hard to beleive this could look any better, but I guess it can. What will it take to play back 4K smoothly I wonder?

I'm very, very impressed.
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