NEW VIDEO!!! Bus Video 1080p clip online REDCODE

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I agree the reds are a little much, just wanted to see what it could handle.

what type of sharpening filters do you use and what software do you do it with.

Finally. A portable digital cam that's good enough for the big screen.

Now Graeme, how much computing horsepower do I need?
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Zig_Zigman said:
Now Graeme, how much computing horsepower do I need?
It's been discussed. A top of the line Mac Pro or a comparable PeeCee with plenty of RAM and tons of storage should do the trick... at least that's what it seems like at this point. We'll know for sure in due time.
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As indicated before the system requirements and performance measurements will be made available when we have them. Until all the measurement is done we just don't know yet.
god damn, i need me a RED camera...
but jeez, by the time i can afford it, it will mean a whole new editing system that can support 4K... jeez, what to do.....
PaPa said:
god damn, i need me a RED camera...
but jeez, by the time i can afford it, it will mean a whole new editing system that can support 4K... jeez, what to do.....

Why? You do not have to record 4K. That is an *option*. With S16 lenses you can also record 2K RAW or in all cases go down to 1080 / 720 RGB.

Or if you must have a 4K digital negative then load the footage up into REDCINE and spit out a lower resolution version to work on.

Then if you ever need to go out to film or a 4K digital projector you can grab the original negative. Obviously any color processing & effects and so on need to be re-applied at that point in time.
If you mean "work" as in "work you have to do" then little if you use REDCINE. If you mean "how long it'll take to convert" you'll have to wait for those numbers. We are still optimizing and running tests ourselves.
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