"The Dustin Rogan Project II" - roganFILMs

You are one crazy, dude! :)

Enjoyed all the inside jokes and loved Jason's performance. Especially when he went on about what he was remembered for. I LOL'd at that.
Really good stuff. I can understand why some people didn't get it, don't beat yourself up over it.

This was a lot of fun. Good job on getting another one in.
I would have complained about the technical stuff but I see that's all been covered and I also know that in a way that's what this entry is all about.

I broke my DVXuser cherry on TimeFest so I remember the first one and Beans. Some of the jokes I got. Was hoping for a$$ cheek...disappointing. This was fun. Only gripe is I cringe when people use lines that are part of pop culture. (My Name is Earl - "...hand on snakey") Kills me as a writer and comes off as lazy and unoriginal. But this was a sorta a mockumentary and we like to quote movie and TV. Also, kudos for coordinating a collaboration across the country again.
This for a sure a DVXuser insider film. However, I could really feel Jason's hatred. I would watch your back Mr. Rogan. :)
That location looks great. Turning up the contrast and saturation makes the corn background look amazing. Haven't had a chance to see the film yet. Will check it out soon.
This is for sure a "DVXuser" members only short. No one else would find it amusing. I applaud you for getting the project finished. I really can't say much more than that.
OK so when I heard you were submitting I bowed out for fear of my ultimate destruction. I was sure we would see the return of Rogan's ass. To my dismay no ASS. I kept hoping that you would travel back in time and kill Jason or something. Of course I can only say that us oldtimmers are indead your target audiance and I wish I could have pulled one off for this fest. I am hoping i get the band back together and kick some ass next fest. Loved it man.
Cousins' band name Anti-Mortem
THis isn't the song I used for my film but still awesome, its called
"Truck Stop Special"
My cousins are the lead singer Rado Romo and guitarist w/ black vest on Nevada Romo

Go check em out!
They're signing a contract w/ Road Runner Records and about to ripe sh*t up yo!


PS Rado just graduated high school btw :D and Nevada is 20
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Dude those guys are good! I don't listen to the radio anymore (iPod only), but I saw someone mention the KATT (station out here) so that's nice.
First of all a Big congrats to the finalist, well deserved!

If I may explain, if it wasn't clear about my movie...the "random corn field" shot was my dream of making a film and in kinda a way my inner self being chased down by the masked man...aka foreshadowing... Jason masked man...me the fat guy running through the cornfield...the dead vegetation represents the "quality" that Jason's character thinks of my characters work...Fun times looking forward to the next fest.

I did laugh and it was with you not at you so, you win. Unconventional, but it was better than a sharp stick in the eye. Points for a dope BTTF shirt and an original concept.