ScriptFest X: TrappedFest - UPLOAD AVAILABLE

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ScriptFEST Mod
Alright folks it's time to start uploading your scripts. Just follow he link below, fill in the bits and then submit.

Your scripts must be submitted by Midnight PST on Feb 5th.

Scripts Received: (2/6/2012, 00:00 pst)

A Funhouse Butchery - csetten
Alive - Sarah Daly
The Old Hag Phenomenon - derekw

Ruby - Sunk99
Monsters At Dawn - Michael Traven
Trapped - Chris Keaton (Exhibition Only)
Red Devil, Blue Sea - DarrenJSeeley
Blessed -
One Man Left Behind - themightyshrub
Hope Chest - Mobie540
Halo - Sean Chipman
Foolish Things - CherryD
Parental Care - derle
Animal Control - Marnie Mitchell-Lister
A Shadow at the Door - Andy Olson
Glass Box - Harkus
Shed - DarkElastic
Glued - Rustom Irani
Trapped - Fossil
Jam - Pete Barry
Meta - Dauthi
Homeroom - Taylormade
Truth or Dare - ZellJr
Twapt - dtroop (Exhibition Only)
Crevice - bayne
(Exhibition Only)


Post any questions or technical difficulties here.
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Chris, Filled in all the boxes except the copyright release checkbox and get an error "Please fill in the required item(s)."
I think it's looking for that box to be checked.
Yes, I checked the original creation radio box. Can't imagine anybody checking the other. :)
Has anybody else been able to get a script posted?
I can pm you a screenshot if you need it.
Having some tech difficulties. I filled out the form and chose my PDF file of the script and then received this message about halfway through the upload.

upload error.JPG
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Sorry for the problems folks ... I think it should be working ok now.

I've been in the middle of a complete fest system overhaul for a while now. I'm rebuilding the entire code base from the ground up. As part of that I installed and newly configured the latest version of the upload script. I've been testing it successfully for several days, but I made one configuration modification specific to this fest when I brought it online and that caused the problems.

I've cleared up that issue ... hopefully that will be the last.

Thanks for your patience
I tried again just now with the same PDF file as yesterday and I think it worked... No error message this time. Hope it worked.
The list is on the first page. If you submitted, but don't see yourself there try to submit again. I'll update it periodically.
It closes on 9th, right? I have something in the works but another thing came up and I just have to finish it before I rewrite/edit. I can't upload what I have right now - it's just dreadful. Is there any chance for the upload be open past Feb 10th?
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