ScriptFest X: TrappedFest - UPLOAD AVAILABLE

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Thanks for this. Only problem is I cannot see a Start Thread at the top of this page. I see a Thread Tools, Search Thread and Rate This Thread. Am I going nuts?
fossil, up above the top post on this page you'll see a button what says "Reply to Thread." Above that, you'll see a chain of titles that says "Forum --> News --> ScriptFest X: TrappedFest --> ScriptFest X: TrappedFest - UPLOAD AVAILABLE." Click on the one third one, the one that says "ScriptFest X: TrappedFest."

That will take you back to this subsection of the forum, and there at the top of the page (just below that same title chain) will be a button saying "Post New Thread." Click that, and then you just have to fill in the title for the new thread (which should be the name of your script, followed by "by [YOUR NAME HERE]." For instance, "MONSTERS AT DAWN -- by Michael Traven"), and the post box. In the post box (the body of your post), you should include the logline, if you have one, and if you've made a poster, you can drag and drop it into the post box and it will attach the image.

Hope that helps. Cheers!

Uploaded an older version of the script.

Re-Upped the correct version. It will be the later one.
23 Entries!

It looks like we will have a lot of good reading this round. Check back soon for the 'Read and Vote' thread.

Good luck everyone!
Sorry. I didn't finish writing until Monday. Then I saw it was too late. My bad.
I tried to upload anyway, just incase.
Chris hi. Sorry to bother you again. Do I need to post my piece onto the main board? If, so how do I do this?
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