Scene Files available for download

I download the Velvet file last night onto my laptop. I noticed that there were six settings which were all the same except for the frame rate (Default, 24 Frame, 12 Frame, 18 Frame, 48 Frame and 60 Frame).

I’m going to film at 720/24P so which ones do I really need to put into my HVX200A would it be the frame rate: 24 Frame or do I really need to put all of them in? I’m going to do this manually instead of the SD card since I don’t have the card transfer to read the SD on my laptop.

Since we have 6 stops on the dial (scene file 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) can I put in a different setting for each stop (Filmic scene file 1, Velvet scene file 2, Close up scene file 3, Punchy scene file 4, Crispy scene file 5, Nature scene file 6) or does all six scene files need one setting – for example Velvet. Thanks for any input.
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They aill all load. Do not tamper with the file or it will not load at all.

To do what you want you would need to carefully cut and paste the scene files from each of those others into the spot required. The reason I did not set them up that way is that I have have customers inadvertantly change the scene file knob and now it is doing something else.

So, I hope that helps,

I downloading scene files. I noticed that depending on what scene file (Velvet, Crispy etc...) you have you can shoot in different frame rate getting nice slow motion look but not all the scene flies? I like how flashback looks but it would be nice to have slow motion in that one. Also there is only a few that has Thick but most of them have thin in V Detail Freq. Isn't thick used for film look?

Frame Rate Slow Motion;

Softar – no
Closeup - no
Addstp – no
Flshbk – no
Olphot – no

Fpsfilm – yes
Crispy – yes
Nature – yes
Velvet – yes
Punchy – yes
Shutfx - yes

I'm sure it has been answered somewhere on this form but just in case it hasn't this might be a question that some would like to know.
If you want the Variable Frame rate once the file is loaded, then go into your menus and make that happen.

Thick is a Standard Def selection.


Very Cool. I was able to take the setting that I like and put them on one scene file (SCENE1) I have flashback (2 setting), Punchy (2 setting), Velvet (1 setting) and Shutfx (1 setting).

I was wondering if I'm shooting with Shutfx which would be the normal shooting range;

Recently aquired HPX170.
Curious to try some different looks.
Where can I view different file settings?
Hey Guys,

Trying to use these scene files and they are not showing up on my card. I downloaded them from the site. I followed the instructions on the right. Insert card, format card, save each file (TITLE1 was default, also tried SCENE1, and of course 2,3,4), ejected card from camera, put card in reader in MAC cpu, deleted files on card, renamed files & copied them on card, put card in camera and it says there is nothing on the card.

Please help, shoot in an hour!

First format the card in the camera. Save a scene file to the card while it is still in the camera. Take the card transfer it to the computer. Then save the new scene files with the SCENE1 etc nomenclature.

Good Luck
Then you will just need to look at the numbers in the file and transfer them to the camera manually. Sorry, there is something that is not going right on your end. We have downloaded these about 50,000 times a month and for the most part they work, so there is something about your individual setup. So open the file see what the settings are and copy them to the scene file in the camera.

Good luck,

I mean the camera formats the card fine and when I save the files, in the cam they show up. Then when I pop it into the cpu they show up on the card. So what am i doing wrong? Isn't that what you're supposed to do? I delete them from the card. I rename them EXACTLY. Then copy them on and when I pop the card into the cam is read NO FILE????? Is there a missing step here?
It's more likely that you have a 200E or 200T or 202 or 205 (european or japanese 200, or asian or japanese 200A). The 200 and 200A (american models) use the same scene files.
Save your scene files out to a card, examine the text file created and tell us what model number is showing in the text file. THat'll be the clue to why the Panasonic USA files aren't working in your cam.