RED L.A. photos/what have you's

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Fantastic, that's what it looked like from the images.

Can you please just make one feature about this camera absolutely suck? Just to get it out of the way?
It was a great experience meeting several people from this forum in person; Gibby and his production coordinator, Donatello, Mike Curtis, Brook Willard and his buddy, Jarred Land and many others whose names have escaped me. I just missed introducing myself to Curt as he dragged Jarred off between shows to see some top secret motion control system no doubt. Guess I should have followed them to get the low down. :) Also nice to shake hands with Jim and thank him again for gathering up the RED team and undertaking this task.

The energy was running high in the theater and for good reason. The 4K clips were stunning. I am still waiting for the reality to sink in that we will all have the potential to produce imagery of that quality on a daily basis. I thought the footage had a very unique feel; not film, not your typical digital acquisition (read: ultra sharp like HD) yet very cine. It should be a pleasure pushing RED footage around to see what kind of looks and feels we can come up with. Using Graeme’s chocolate metaphor I would say that watching the clips they definitely tasted like chocolate.

The refinements the RED team is making to the camera body and peripheral gear seem to be progressing towards a very usable final product. Heck I would use the camera if the sensor was housed in an orange crate, the images are that good. But luckily for us the RED team is on it and we will have a much sleeker design to have and to hold.

The REDcode raw at the end… Personally I couldn’t see the difference. To sum it up…



Yuval Shrem said:
(Digital projection tends to draw attention to the imagery, while film projection helps keeping the attention on the actors and the story. I've attended test screenings comparing digital projection vs. film projection in which the two were compared using the same source materials, and I strongly support this theory...):)

what do you mean by this? i suppose if you run a film and digital projection side by side, you'll have to draw some subtle differentiating factors but there are digital projectors installed all over the world and audiences don't seem to know or care. maybe it's more of a subconscious thing? in some rare (digitally shot film being digitally projected) cases, it's a grain thing but that hardly affects most projections of films.
Graeme_Nattress said:
No. You can do that yourself if you want to, but I don't. I think sharpening is one of the greatest evils of our time. It makes everything, even NHK 8k footage look like VHS - do it at your peril.


I prefer under-sharpened images myself, though I do try to (partially) offset the effect of the AA filter. The presence of high frequencies at low amplitude gives you the filmic look.

Do you also blur downsized images to simulate an AA filter? Most people sharpen them a bit; I leave them alone.

When you downsample, yes, you should use a filter to stop aliassing.

When I can get my head back into Graeme space, I'm going to do some more R&D on "sharpening" and see if I can't come up with something I don't find objectionable.

Graeme_Nattress said:
When you downsample, yes, you should use a filter to stop aliassing.

When I can get my head back into Graeme space, I'm going to do some more R&D on "sharpening" and see if I can't come up with something I don't find objectionable.


The Lanczos kernel in my resizer takes care of aliasing, but is otherwise flat in the pass band. What I don't do is simulate an OLPF by attenuating the higher frequencies in the pass band.


I look forward to seeing your 'sharpening' reality look. Like Orsen Wells, I do like a large depth of field, especially when I am shooting nature with a wide angle. I look forward to seeing some outdoor, wide angle, shots on the beach at sunset - both in a romantic Cinema mode - and in a sharp reality mode.

Thanks. Both have there purposes... Some of us like dark or mint chocolate. ;-) Depending on what your dinner was.
Too much sharpening and I'll never be able to shoot a movie with a practical make-up effect in it without seeing every seam.

Make my chocolate all warm and gooey.
May I share that my prefered sharpening technique (as I can't stand regular sharpening/detail processing either) is setting an extremely large radius (tens of pixels) and fading the result out. This is more of a selective contrast manipulation which increases apparent sharpness instead of adding defined artificial contours for detail.

Depending on image content, sometimes I create an additional layer using a high pass filter and use an overlay mode over the original material, I then process that (high frequency detail) layer (may be blur, sharpen, levels, invert it, etc...).

I do this many times in the following combination: topmost layer is detail, next a blurred & processed (color & levels) version of the original material in a blending mode (normal, screen or overlay usually) & fade it out (for a slight diffusion effect) and next the original material. This ends up giving me a softer yet apparently sharper image which is lightly diffused (or sometimes heavily) but still with clear high frequency detail.

I don't know how these techniques look on 4K motion picture but I've used them with SD, HD and Print for a long time.
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These are great techniques, Mathew and Graeme! Once you get into blending modes there's no turning back... That's the great thing with Red. You can do these changes if you like because the images are clean and untouched.

Not even Jesus himself would dare to make sharpening changes to the Red images at an early raw stage. I'm pretty sure he's got a reservation in too. Under an alias I'm sure ("Mr. Christ, Jesus" would be too obvious) ... and he loves blending modes when getting his CC on...

BTW. Great gallery Graeme! Cool to see that the Red team is not all tech.. that there's some artistic blood in you guys. I'm sure that will translate into the finished product..
Graeme_Nattress said:
Mathew, I do something similar in LAB mode in photoshop for some of my digital images, the contrast pass at high radius, and then a smidgen of high pass blended in with overlay for edges. See:

What I was thinking of was something a little more radical, but I think it's a Graeme R&D project for later down the line.....


Can't wait to see what you come up with. The caliber of your work is always of a high standard.
Jannard said:


I sooooooo want to know how many there are in the UAE... please say im the only one who'll be having a red in that region. I've been asking that question like a hundred tiiiiiimesss.

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