RED L.A. photos/what have you's

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Here is what Mr. Stump had to say about focus (he also said that he could be quoted as long as it was verbatim):

"for example the lens mount is bolted to a big black
metal box, and the lens mount is not exactly square to the sensor, so
one cannot count on perfect back focus distance or side to side focus,
but that is to be expected in a testbed."

"As I said in the posts, the sensor is not square to the lens in the
prototype, so back focal distance is not good side to side, it would
be wise to eval intrinsic camera focus quality from some of the
material done at deeper stops, in order to take the back focus issues
out of the equation."

Dave Stump ASC
DP/VFX Supervisor
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The Red map is impressive and our counry is also red! Wow!

... but wait, has anybody heard about brand new "Mongolian Sea"? Wow! :O
adaml said:
Will we be seeing any pics of the latest body and rail designs?

I did not see any answers to this? As a RED reservation member that could not be there (stuck shooting up in the Canadian rockies) seeing the evolution of the EFV really interests me as it is a feature I would have a hard time shooting without.
Thanx for info Jim :beer: :beer:

Now I can sleep better.
My brother in Wind city will touch another one soon. :thumbup:
will the website be updated soon with new pictures of the development of the camera, raid, ram, evf etc?

Couldn´t be there but saw the nice show at IBC. Impressed then and more now...
Oh - and Jim. I know that there's at least five re(d)servations in Denmark. Seems like you forgot that on the map ;-)
tlorenzo said:
Oh - and Jim. I know that there's at least five re(d)servations in Denmark. Seems like you forgot that on the map ;-)

Hear, hear :)

Smile from

Steen Dongo


Redcode Raw

Redcode Raw

Graeme_Nattress said:
Ted phoned me immediately after and told me the story! But great to hear it from you Thom! There's still a fair bit of work to do on REDCODE and my hope is to improve it from what you've seen today.


I was there and was very impressed! Even though I did notice a slight difference between the Redcode compressed and uncompressed images, I thought the aesthetics of the Redcode compression looked very filmic, and even though the image was slightly less detailed (1:10 compression) in some way, I liked it better, because it seemed to have the positive effect film projection has on storytelling (vs. digital projection), in the sense that it shifts the attention away from the beauty of the image and back to the actors and the story. I do hope Redcode keeps improving, but I think even as it is now I would have felt more than comfortable using it (Redcode Raw) for a feature-film project with a theatrical release.

Keep up the great work!
Can't wait to seeing the next version of the codec...:thumbup:

300mm Lens

300mm Lens

Being at the LA screening today, one of the most amazing things that struck me there was the huge difference between the RED 300mm lens and the other lenses used in the RED demo footage.

The images from the RED lens were clearly superior to the rest.
This is to me a hugely pleasant surprise!
I'm super curious about the RED zoom lens, but if one can learn about the quality of the RED zoom lens from the current quality of the RED 300mm prime, I would say it looks VERY promising!!!:thumbup:

In my opinion the RED footage looked superior to ANY of the other existing ultra-high-definition cameras on the market today, and the flexible work flow it will offer seems to also be better then any of the alternatives that I'm aware of...

Just wanted to congratulate you there in the RED team for your unbelievably great work!!!

Very excited !! :)

Yuval Shrem.
I couldn't be at the screeing, but thanks for all the comments. It makes me feel I really missed something...

Thanks so much for the review!

Graeme_Nattress thank you for seeing what ALL of the camera makers don't, camera sharpening smells like low end...I don't know why on earth all the camera makers insist you should sharpen an HD image, looks like (**&*..I have 2 or 3 shots on our VariCam feature that the camera had some type of sharpening turned on...uggggg it looks so BAD
obin said:
Graeme_Nattress thank you for seeing what ALL of the camera makers don't, camera sharpening smells like low end...I don't know why on earth all the camera makers insist you should sharpen an HD image, looks like (**&*..I have 2 or 3 shots on our VariCam feature that the camera had some type of sharpening turned on...uggggg it looks so BAD
Some of the digital cinema camera footage that I've seen close up probably needed to be sharpened because the original acquisition is quite horrible. This is one of the reasons digital is not as good as film, but from what I've seen thus far of Red, digital looks set to have a more even keel with film in many situations. Negating sharpening of the image is a natural step therefore on route to a digital camera that can stand up to film quality - in my opinion at least.
The screening was a lot of fun - RED team came on strong, but they have a lot to be proud of, and as others have been pointing out, a lot of prejudice to overcome.
I love the David Stump quote about the settlers someone just posted. I think a fairly priced camera that levels the playing field can do nothing worse than separate those with true talent from those who were just hiding behind half a million dollars of toys for a long time.
Don't worry - Conrad Hall will still be Conrad Hall after RED comes out.
Everyone else - better start reading the forums. :)
Also, Jarred, it was cool to meet you for the first time at the screening - you are kinda tall, I was surprised.
Passion is what it's about! I'm just happy that the whole of the rest of the team are equally, if not more so, passionate about what they're doing.


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