GH5 How interested are you in a GH6 anymore?

I am a proud camera's a day I thought I'd never see...

Bassman2003 bought a new camera after 17 years.
:) I thought you would enjoy the final verdict. After almost 20 years in business, I want to buy equipment less and less. It will be healthy to learn a new system.
... In the end, after watching too many YouTube videos, all of these cameras look more alike than different these days.
This would require for someone to take apart all cameras and compare the schematics/wiring. Chances are that a given range camera is indeed mostly the same.

PS. I mentioned a few times in different threads that sometime last May, I joined a Facebook page "I disliked it in the USSR" (it's in Russian or Ukrainian and most posters more than merely "dislike" it). In any case, one of the frequent topics there is the Soviet copies of the analogous Western items, from cars to electronics to household appliances. And the remarkable part is that there's very little difference from the originals, even on the purely superficial level. Which makes sense because, if you copy the schematics of something, then you might as well copy its appearance as well, since there's a reason why all the knobs and buttons are located where they are. The modern cameras have an additional advantage in that a typical camera layout has been the same since the 1930's (and that most people are right handed). Add the fact that the sensors are manufactured by the whole of two companies (Canon for Canon and Sony for everyone else) and one can come to the conclusion that brand logos are tacked on for pure superficiality.

PS. Tony Northrup has just put out a video on why every photo-video company is Japanese. I watched a couple of minutes. Maybe, at some point, he makes sense.
Full disclosure (for Norbro) - I ordered an A7IV and an A7sIII and will put my GH5 & Canon gear up for sale. It has been a long wait but this was the way forward for me. I like the Panasonic functionality but they just let things go too long. I also do not have confidence the AF system will be a complete change/upgrade. I wanted a full stills/video hybrid setup without video compromises. It was between the Canon R5/R6 and the Sonys. It was close but in the end, I did not want to grit my teeth over small HDMIs, overheating and 30 min. time limits. Too bad Canon as you lost all of my body and lens purchases over your restrictions. Was it really worth it to artificially limit the cameras?

It is sad that the Panasonic cameras where not in the mix. Why? It seems to me that the S line could vanish at any time. I am not a huge user of auto focus but on gimbals and some stills work require it. Stubborn or not allowed to succeed is what comes to mind. But either way, nothing I want to invest in. The S5 was a ray of hope but giving it a lame viewfinder and small HDMI just took Panasonic out of the mix. Nothing kills a camera purchase than a feature that is out of date before you even take delivery.

In the end, after watching too many YouTube videos, all of these cameras look more alike than different these days. That allowed me to go to the Sony system as I have never liked the look of their lower end cameras in the past. 10bit 4:2:2 and we are off to races. I am tired of cameras and camera makers to be honest. All of the thorns and finely diced features spread across the marketplace is exhausting. Pick one and go make the best of it.

Yes, this thread is tired and frankly so am I. For those who do purchase a GH6 (if it arrives) I am sure it will be a great tool. Best of luck!

big ole +1 Roger 10-4
im sure i said this 15 pages back my eye.. AF is king and that puts one in the canon or sony camp for the A camera and lenses.

Anything else is basically over... it is indeed a wake and a funeral

Yep Ill keep my gh4 and 12mm slr tragic as it a great little fire and forget bolt on.. hell Id swap it for a used gh5, but its not part of the core system
As I have said in previous posts it depends on what is being shot. All my shoots are in the theatre and there continuous auto focus and auto exposure are a disaster so never used. Both will go crazy when lights go up and down. Also cameras are always on tripods so no need for stabilization. So for me none of those are on my list as essential for a new camera. It was the same when I used camcorders so moving to GH5 and GH5S made no difference. Move was to get UHD 60P unlimited record time at lowest cost which was the case when they came out several years ago. Move now would be 6K or 8K same requirements. If I hand hold for family videos or holiday I use my AX53 camcorder or my phone ! I fully accept that is not what everyone thinks of a new camera but just to point out why people may buy Blackmagic cameras for instance. The option for me to the GH6 would be a Pocket 6K Pro. An 8K Pro would be even better if it appeared. GH6 has value for 6K in that I would not need to buy new lenses where move to 6K Pro would. That may still be a better choice though to full control of BRAW in Resolve..

My list
6 or 8K internal 10bit 4:2:2 unlimited record time
Internal and simultaneous external recording ( external could be UHD when internal is 6 or 8K )
External power with internal battery. Run and charging. So a USB C PD supply etc.

The current GH5M2, other than 6 or 8K meets these advantages over the GH5. Have wondered about changing my GH5 for the GH5M2 but trade in value is low and more value to keep I think.. The Pocket 6K Pro meets most, other than its HDMI external output is only 1080 not UHD. So only able to record one source other than HD. I have a feeling the GH6 will meet my needs and since the new BM Studio cameras now output UHD over HDMI I expect the next revision of the Pockets will also do this to meet the input of the latest ATEM switches. Not in a hurry to move from the GH5 and GH5S I have now. It will be some time before GH6 and by then maybe new BM cameras too.
I'm not counting but that's the 36th time you said that...

At this point everyone knows that (about you and in general), but we are speaking as a majority for what we want and what Panasonic needs to attract more customers than just Ron Evans, you know?

Because you're starting to sound like that one guy who uses the infrared photography feature on his Varicam to film bats in caves for Animal Planet, and when a new camera comes out he's asking about a detachable IR cut filter while everyone is :atigrou: over AF and IBIS. :Drogar-Laugh(LBG):
Maybe Panasonic has realized they are not going to compete with Canon or Sony in continuous auto focus and are placing attention on different aspects like image stabilization, box cameras, streaming, ethernet multicam control etc where they do have an advantage over the others. Actually at 60P the Panasonic autofocus is not bad. I do not use it but testing at 60P the GH5 and GH5S are not too different to my AX53 camcorder in grabbing focus and locking on. Again I know I am different but always shoot at 60P Can't stand the slow frame rates where I think Panasonic has the issues with autofocus.
They are definitely placing attention on different aspects but it's not necessarily by [first] choice (IMO).

If Canon - Sony - Panasonic had equal strengths in features, all of the prices would be exactly the same (they already are to some degree as it's no coincidence the LT, C300 and FX9 are all $11,000).
If everyone made exactly the same product, price would be the only reason to buy or brand loyalty( no logical reason ). Differentiation makes sense for any manufacturer. Why make the same thing as everyone else. Focus on a few areas that will attract those buyers. Those areas maybe not what you are interested in but I am certain that any manufacturer will have researched the market for each of their products so that the market size makes sense. To gain an audience Panasonic has to be different NOT the same as everyone else. My application is just one area that would work for things you view as deficient and of no importance to me. By the way those deficiencies ( auto focus ) apply to the whole Blackmagic camera range. Can't say Panasonic image stabilization is deficient as it is likely still the best ( confirmation from people I know who have both the GH5 and the Sony A7S|||). As you no doubt see I view my GH5S superior to my GH5 in so many ways. There will be others where the features Panasonic have are also more important than what you view as a necessary standard they do not meet. I am not stuck to Panasonic I was a Sony user for years until the GH5 offered better value for what I wanted. I would change again if a manufacturer offered what I wanted at the right price.
the trouble is there are a few things you can adjust on a camera. wb iris, shutter, focual distance, iso.

and the hardest and least forgiving is focal distance so having an assist with that is the route to the highest amount of 'keepers' and is kin of essential.

Yep I just worked on a feature with an arri lf an amorphics and two men, and thousands of pounds of kit dedicated to keeping focual distance correct, honestly im not sure they did it - but we will only know once we are in the edit.
If everyone made exactly the same product, price would be the only reason to buy or brand loyalty( no logical reason ). Differentiation makes sense for any manufacturer. Why make the same thing as everyone else. Focus on a few areas that will attract those buyers. Those areas maybe not what you are interested in but I am certain that any manufacturer will have researched the market for each of their products so that the market size makes sense. To gain an audience Panasonic has to be different NOT the same as everyone else. My application is just one area that would work for things you view as deficient and of no importance to me. By the way those deficiencies ( auto focus ) apply to the whole Blackmagic camera range. Can't say Panasonic image stabilization is deficient as it is likely still the best ( confirmation from people I know who have both the GH5 and the Sony A7S|||). As you no doubt see I view my GH5S superior to my GH5 in so many ways. There will be others where the features Panasonic have are also more important than what you view as a necessary standard they do not meet. I am not stuck to Panasonic I was a Sony user for years until the GH5 offered better value for what I wanted. I would change again if a manufacturer offered what I wanted at the right price.

If they can get more people to think like you, I think they'll be okay and will stay in business. :thumbsup:
On the "AF is optional" front, one might as well go ZCam or BMD.

It'd be interesting to see what BMD conjures up next. It's not difficult to beat the cartel on some specs, it's difficult to beat them on the cutting edge hardware.
It's not difficult to beat the cartel on some specs, it's difficult to beat them on the cutting edge hardware.

"Cutting edge". I like the sound of that. Disappointment is only a state of mind, and doesn't exist outside of it. But expectation cam also be pleasant....
At this point, I think a lot of us are just really annoyed at Panasonic.

This camera should have been shipping already...
Maybe Panasonic has realized they are not going to compete with Canon or Sony in continuous auto focus and are placing attention on different aspects like image stabilization, box cameras, streaming, ethernet multicam control etc where they do have an advantage over the others. Actually at 60P the Panasonic autofocus is not bad. I do not use it but testing at 60P the GH5 and GH5S are not too different to my AX53 camcorder in grabbing focus and locking on. Again I know I am different but always shoot at 60P Can't stand the slow frame rates where I think Panasonic has the issues with autofocus.

And they have to compete with Apple.
And they have to compete with Apple.

Are you suggesting the others do not have to compete ? What is the Apple competition . The iPhone ? All camera manufacturers have that competition. I agree with NorBro that Panasonic are late in either telling us what GH6 is going to be even if they say it will be next year before we get it with first firmware release. I can only think that there is a part they are waiting for to complete the picture. Either processor or sensor I expect so final spec and delivery cannot be set.

GH6 is still on my list as I am not in a hurry to upgrade. Not full of enthusiasm to move to full frame or even APS-C with all the new lenses to buy as well. Not sure how many fit my specs anyway. Almost certain they don't fit my budget !!
"Cutting edge". I like the sound of that. Disappointment is only a state of mind, and doesn't exist outside of it. But expectation cam also be pleasant....

Pretty much all the innovation on the sensor front came from the Japanese, with Samsung contributing some technology on the smartphones. But auto focus, low light performance, high res came on the consumer tier cameras, rather than on the high end pro models. The problem is that some of the features were handed to some models but not to others. And at the same price point too.

And Panasonic was at the cutting edge with GH-4, near the edge with GH-5 and now nowhere with GH-6.
Pretty much all the innovation on the sensor front came from the Japanese, with Samsung contributing some technology on the smartphones. But auto focus, low light performance, high res came on the consumer tier cameras, rather than on the high end pro models. The problem is that some of the features were handed to some models but not to others. And at the same price point too.

And Panasonic was at the cutting edge with GH-4, near the edge with GH-5 and now nowhere with GH-6.

If your are talking just about autofocus at 24P you are correct but not for a lot of other features that the GH5 is still leading that others. It is still better stabilizer than any of its competition. When the GH5 came out it was the leading edge in a very large number of areas some of which it is still leading even after 4 years. With the GH5S you have DCI 4k that most of the competition still cannot provide and internal in 10bit 4:2:2 as well. Just depends on what one is looking for. At the moment we do not know what the GH6 will bring so I do not think you can say it is nowhere - yet.