"The Dustin Rogan Project" -- Dustin R. Rogan

LOL thats great! Well I'm calling it a night/afternoon, going to bed early...if they put up the movies...someone call me!!!!

Nighty night!
So I'm sportin' my newily made TDRP shirt in hopes that today is Viewing Day...(crosses fingers)

While its fresh on your minds going into viewing....
alittle about the flick

This was an experimental film for me...
Role Reversal, having the guys usually behind the camera in front of the camera, including myself, Gary French (DP) Matthew Bravo (writer/PA) Jason Pruett (script editor), Colt Stewart (PA), Kelly Wheat (audio), and of course the usual faces you've seen/heard in our previous films (Secret Admiration for Spyfest, Retribution for All Hallows Eve Fest, and Given for Lovefest).

This was shot mainly outside on a hellacious windy day. So All natural light, lost some equipment so we made do with what we had, so you'll hear a bit of wind in the diologue. Nothing I could do in post w/o it sounding like they're talking through a wet toliet paper role.

Shot all in 7-8 hours. Script, well script lets you dive into the world of a Waco, Texas DVXuser.

Peoples I want to thank
Gary French - Inspiration for script, use of equipment, changing his mind and being on screen
Matthew Bravo - Inspiration for script, a good drinking partner, life long friend
Jason Spinos - putting up with my crap ass ideas, and guideing me into a descent filmmaker, always making me want to be better!
Justin, Sarah, David, Colt, Kelly Jason P. - Putting up with me and helping me with my idea for a fun movie.
Mark Johnson and Jack Daniel Stanley (and crew)- Giving a young filmmaker a chance! And not saying "we're busy, we have to go milk goats". You two are what I look up to, keep it up and unintentinally making me do better. I'll be knocking on the Monster Shack one day in the future!
Mark Aro and Ted Arabian - Sending me vital props! And having a ear to talk to...so to speak...more of a PM box to write to me in...whatevs

Last but not least, my mother,

God rest her soul with her continuous health problems, she consistantly reminds me that she's my number one fan. And when I told her about JDS and the Dude...she shreeked out loud "THANK YOU JESUS, THANK YOU" then proceeded to cry. I told her that I might go out to LA and visit the guys on set in the near future...and she was way too excited! lol. Gotta love moms right

Anyone else I missed THANKS FROM THE BOTTOM of my heart!

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Ehhh I'm famous now, I'm in big movie film, as an extra.... what a sad existance I lead.... This was a picture of one of my shining moments, I'm the barely visible head. Oh the things we do to get the part.... in a Dustin Rogan picture
Ehhh I'm famous now, I'm in big movie film, as an extra.... what a sad existance I lead.... This was a picture of one of my shining moments, I'm the barely visible head. Oh the things we do to get the part.... in a Dustin Rogan picture
That is a beautiful thing though....

...the fish that is...

Well, I'm getting nervous...Hope I didn't hype this movie too much! But all in all I have a feeling we go live soon with the viewings soon. This was an incredibly fun movie, and i hope that carries over into the audience. Also I don't think I have to tell you to, but the other film from Waco that some of my crew helped on is The Five Worst Days of Bartholomew Saxton, That is a film that will turn heads!

I already did my indepth thank you post (a few above) but again thanks to those who were involved with this project!

Happy Viewing,

PS be nice when you critique me...I know the wind may bother a few....

pss anyone else finding themselves hitting refresh every few mins? or is it just me?....oh the pain....wish it'd hurry up and come on line lol...
Dude. This was hilarious. GREAT opening titles!! Loved the cameos, too!!

and I must say... that dolly move in the very end with Mark and JDS... veerrryyy smoooottthhh ;) that guy mustve known what he was doing...

people seem to like it, i'm on my PSP my laptop finally died, and apparently you can't even view without the 50 post minimum for voting, *sad face*
I'll just watch them tomorrow with you

I really loved the self deprecating tone of this. The Jason The who line about "I write a book and he just shi@ts on a piece of paper" made me laugh out loud. I got to see the JDS/mark footage in california and that was a riot, should have played it close to the vest rather than put in your banner.

You have a great sense of humor, I look forward to seeing you do a comedy that is a little less inside as to dvxuser. You have the chops. congrats.

Dude that was just so wrong! Wrong on so many levels that I'm still cracking up over here. Seriously funny stuff.

I still wanna be an army of ninja in the sequel.
Very funny short. I lol'ded.

I love how no one knows what's going on. just showing up and helping a friend.

Ha hahaha. ending is priceless.

Actually, what I liked about this was the detail you put into it. Like the Impossible Race. Like you have one shot where the guys look over and everyone is packing up, but Jason is about trying to kill you with a tripod. I love little detailed touches like that.
Actually, what I liked about this was the detail you put into it. Like the Impossible Race. Like you have one shot where the guys look over and everyone is packing up, but Jason is about trying to kill you with a tripod. I love little detailed touches like that.

It always brings a smile to myface when people notice the little details put into my work. Thank you Mr. Harris, or as Conrad called you in his "lessons learned" post "Asshat"
