RED SHOES by Susanne Gressmann


Well-known member
Greetings to all.

Having lurked here for a while, this is my first post and "Red Shoes" will be the first film that Susanne and I have made. The plot is a fairly simple "race against time" in keeping with our "beginner's status". Our aim is to learn something (we've actually been working on the script and pre-production for about four weeks now and have already learnt a lot) while avoiding making fools of ourselves.

The film will be in German with English subtitles.



Jonas.................................... Ulrich Meinecke
Colleague.............................. Viktoria Bisco
Old Lady............................... Yella Burggaller
Rickshaw Driver.................... Philippe Petit

Director..................................Susanne Gressmann
Writer.................................... Susanne Gressmann
Director of Photography.......... Jason Horncastle
Sound/Boom Operator............ Boban Radosavljevic
Grip/Gaffer..............................Viktoria Bisco
Editor..................................... Jason Horncastle
Colour correction.................... Alex Donkle
Music......................................Luca Antonini

Jason Horncastle
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Progress Reports

Progress Reports

Present status (14th May):

Susanne is at present writing the 4th draft. This is mainly to incorporate changes needed due to the locations we have found since the 3rd draft was completed.

All locations found (an apartment, an office and two exterior road scenes).

Being drawn at present.

Yella Burggaller agreed today to play the part of an old lady.
Unfortunately the actor we wanted for the lead part of Jonas told us yesterday he wasn't available when we want to shoot.

Update 15th May: Boban Radosavljevic has agreed to be our sound recordist/boom operator

3 key props bought in eBay should arrive this week.

We have the weekend of the 24th/25th earmarked. Any later is probably too late.

22nd May: we are pleased to present you with photos of our cast.

3rd June: we are pleased to announce that dvxuser member Luca Antonini is going to be composing the score for Red Shoes.

12th June: we are happy to announce that Alex Donkle is doing our colour correcting.

16th June (8.00 am German time): We just uploaded!!!

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Reserved for BTS/Screen Grabs

Reserved for BTS/Screen Grabs

Wed May 28th: Uploaded Screen grabs (no color correction as yet).






Friday May 23rd: Cast meeting and script read-through.

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I am Susanne from Germany and the writer/director of "Red Shoes". This is my first project and I hope it will come out decently. Jason and I are making this together. Since English is not my mother language, I am leaving most of the communication on the forum to him.

I hope that all members have a great time making their films. Good luck to everyone.

Susanne Greßmann
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome.
News today is that Boban Radosavljevic has agreed to be our sound recordist/boom operator.
The last few days have been hectic, and the situation was not helped by our internet connection going haywire. On Friday it started only working when we on the phone, so we had to dial the speaking clock to send e-mails (a theme for a future timefest film maybe?!?). Then it stopped working completely, but we finally got it fixed yesterday.

Meanwhile we have been casting and now have a complete cast (photos uploaded on first page). We also have nearly all our props and wardrobe, and all equipment is organized for this weekend. We will be shooting on the DVX100.

We've realized that even for a six minute short it's worth having some help in pre-production - next time we'll try to find someone who wants to act as production assistant or something. We're also learning how much everything costs! We didn't give ourselves a fixed budget for Red Shoes, but we have gone well over what we vaguely expected, even though we've been buying nearly all our props and wardrobe second hand. However, we're writing everything down so that next time we can make a budget in advance and, hopefully, stick to it.

Several more changes have been made to the script - we're now on draft 6.

Storyboard and shot list have been rather pushed to the side, but we'll get on with them tomorrow.

Cast and crew are all fixed except for a makeup artist, but we have a contacted a makeup school to see if we can get hold of a student so hopefully someone will come through.

On Friday evening we are having a read through/rehearsal with the entire cast.
On Saturday (24th) we'll be shooting the exterior scenes (as long as the weather holds up), and on Sunday we will do the interiors.

I know a lot of other timefest films are shooting this weekend too, so I hope it all goes well for everyone.

Jason Horncastle
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Thanks Simon and Jason.

We had a cast meeting and script read-through tonight (photo below). All seems to be ready to start shooting tomorrow morning.

Thanks Shawneous!

Well, shooting is over and, all things considered, went very well. We feel we need three days sleep right now: Susanne and I averaged 2-3 hours sleep for 3 nights in a row. The weather cooperated, the sun moved too quickly, the cast and crew all got on really well and a good and exhausting time was had by all. We missed getting a couple of sequences, but nothing essential, so we have our story which is the important thing. Maybe if we had more time (and the budget) we would go back and get them later on, but we think this time round we will leave them be.

Will post some screen grabs soon.