"MEAT" -- You'll shiver. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll hurl.

I can't believe this thread has only 4 pages!!!

Am I missing another thread somewhere?

This movie was very, very well done. No pun intended.

View it and then view it again.

Thanks Geoff & insantityfw. We had plans to do a CG shot at the very end where a tentacle comes out from behind the kid and picks up a piece of meat, with that final twist being that they're aliens, but we ran out of time. But maybe it's edgier as it is.


The alien bit would have been another great twist in my opinion. I would eat that up...hm, strange choice of words there....but yes, that would have been a very cool addition! Maybe add it for your own final version of the film. I think it might also give more understanding to your characters. Did you have that idea from the get-go? In retrospect, your male and female lead seem strange, especially when they're rubbing noses together and kissing. At the time I thought, 'Okay, this couple is obviously psychotic " kind of like 'Natural Born killers' but if they were truly aliens, that might explain their bizarre behavior-- more importantly, it would even justify it!
That's an interesting point, Geoff. I guess it would explain them, except that only Jack and Judy were meant to be aliens. That was an idea we came up with early on. I was toying with the idea of adding it to our (slightly) longer final version, but I don't think I have enough running footage of the little boy to make it work.

The nose rubbing was something the actors came up with on their own. I thought it was very cool.

Just looking at this one again.
Just the most evenly professioinal piece in the fest.
Congrats again and I've seen almost all the films now you guys are still firm in my top 3!


Oh God, Please don't mess with it!!!!!!!

I know as a creative type we want to **** with everything we've done, but making them aliens just takes you away from the simple purity of something that already works so well.

That said, I'm sure the creative side will step up and overthink everything and you'll shoot yourself in the foot and be sorry for it later....just kidding.

Just my opinion. It works. Don't mess with it.

Then again....not my film.


I think the alien bit would cloud the fun of them just being pervy white suburban psychos.

I like that it stops there. It's less fun to think something I can't relate to has put on this elaborate sex charade/scandal to endulge the eating of human flesh and humiliate its prey in the process than to think of PTA members doing it. That irony or dichotomy yeilds way more interesting and comedic dividends IMHO.
Hey Zenbarai,

I just watched your short. That was really good man. I think your crippled woman was fantastic...the spit/drool while she was screaming...she was definitely your best actor.

I can't comment much on technical stuff...I'm a beginner what the hell do I know? But the overall look of your film/editing/sound/music I thought was great.

While I liked the story, it did bother me that alot of it seemed unnecessary; like the twists were in there, just for the sake of having a twist in there. I was wondering in the end what the point of the whole charade was; couldn't the husband and wife just kill and eat the other couple without the whole fake affair/kidnapping? If more was done to perhaps show why they went that route that might have been better.

But I really did like your film a lot overall.

Acting: All of your Actors did a great job.
Script: Great/ fun/ furious.:)
Direction: Some lovely ideas here.
Music: Suited the piece.
Editing: Smooth, love that split screen. Loved the fast pacing you injected.:thumbup:
Lighting: Solid throughout.
Loved: Opening titles ,(was that Lightwave?), Judy on the T.V., the split screens, wife’s attack, kick to the nuts, the whisper in the ear. Everything.
Hated: Nothing.
Overall: I love this film, well crafted all round. Top notch! :dankk2:

Seems the last few I’m watching are fab, glad I stuck the course and viewed them all. Great job guys!

Hey zenbarai, Great Job on your film! REALLY enjoyed it!

Congratulations and good luck!

This has been so much fun!

Thanks for the audio info as well!

Wow guys, thanks for all the good notes.

I'm inclined to agree that it may be better to keep everyone human and not go the alien route.

That was great. Very good work. Wish I could comment more, but it's time to vote.

Safe to say this was one of the best. Upon another viewing, I may decide it was the best.
Lingothree said:
That was great. Very good work. Wish I could comment more, but it's time to vote.

Safe to say this was one of the best. Upon another viewing, I may decide it was the best.
This one is ath the very top on my score card ... but ... erm ... maybe you've viewed it enough and should keep your score card as is ... since you have excellent taste and all I think you can trust your initial judgement ... :grin:
I liked that you guys tried something new as far as the plot goes. I like Whodunit's & plot twisters. Making one of the characters paraplegic was a new turn as well.
Good Job & Good Luck:thumbup:
I thought this was one of the real standouts, very cohesive and complete. It definitely ranked among my top 5. Best of luck!