HorrorFest II - Official Viewing & Voting Thread (Now Live)

If you encounter any issues, please report them here.

How to watch? On the LandmineMedia YouTube page, there is a playlist:

How to vote?
This is how it will go down this time. If you are a registered member prior to this posting you may rate the films. This is a standard 1-10 rating on each film (with 1 being the lowest, and 10 being the highest). You do not rank the films. You *rate* the films. Watch a film, give it a rating of 1-10 (with 10 being the highest). Note: More than one film can have the same rating.

We will take an average of all of the ratings, and the highest scoring (compete, or exhibition) entry will receive "Audience Favorite" recognition from the popular vote of your dvxuser peers. There will also be a physical prize associated with this. Physical prizes are reserved for competition eligible entries only. This means, if the highest rated film is an exhibition film, it will receive that recognition, but will be ineligible for any physical prize. The physical prize will go to the next highest rated (competition eligible film)

If you would like to participate, and are a registered dvxuser member, please rate any or all films that you wish to rate, and send me a single private message with the name of each film and its corresponding rating that you have assigned to it.

The rest of the awards and prizes will be awarded this time by way of a Panel vote. Only fully approved entries will be eligible for the panel prizes and awards. Exhibition only films are ineligible for panel awards, prizes, or recognition. The Panel consists of Barry Green, Noel Evans, Zak Forsman, Brandon Rice, Jack Daniel Stanley, and Stephen Mick, with myself as an alternate. They will also (privately) rate every film on a scale of 1-10, the same way you guys/gals will. We will average the ratings of all panel members, and the top 3 will be awarded. Additional prizes may be available for special jury awards (i.e. best newcomer, best direction, etc.) The bulk of physical prizes will be awarded via the panel vote. There will also be a separate prize which consists of entry into a live horror festival. More info on prizes to come later.

Hope that makes sense.

Feel free to embed/link your films in your own film threads, on facebook, etc, etc. Just don't spam (i.e. don't register to a site that you aren't already active on simply to pimp your film or the festival).

The films are posted on the playlist in random order.

Please let me know if you have any issues or concerns.
Just wondering, what is the cutoff for voting? Just want to make sure I have enough time after work to get my votes in.
I will leave it open for at least a week, and then I will check back with everyone and make sure that everyone that wanted to, has had the opportunity to vote.
How to vote?
This is how it will go down this time. If you are a registered member prior to this posting you may rate the films. This is a standard 1-10 rating on each film (with 1 being the lowest, and 10 being the highest). You do not rank the films. You *rate* the films. Watch a film, give it a rating of 1-10 (with 10 being the highest). Note: More than one film can have the same rating.
OK, call me stupid but......... is the voting on youtube itself? cause outside of logging into a youtube account (which I have not done yet) I do not see any way to rate anything with a 1-10
OK, call me stupid but......... is the voting on youtube itself? cause outside of logging into a youtube account (which I have not done yet) I do not see any way to rate anything with a 1-10

From Jason's post.

If you would like to participate, and are a registered dvxuser member, please rate any or all films that you wish to rate, and send me a single private message with the name of each film and its corresponding rating that you have assigned to it.
I've finished watching them all. I love the new format. There's some real gems in there.
Thanks dvxuser and all who entered.
I agree with the new format. Very easy to watch. Yeah, I can't figure out where to vote either. Sigh.
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