EIGHTEEN SECONDS by Jack, Zac and Mac

Jack Daniel Stanley said:
yeah the grain was not so much a "lets make this part grainy" as lets focus on the intimacy and getting that feeling and if that means using less light for either feel or moving quickly or to capture a natural feeling then so be it. If that means throwing on the gain switch at +6 so be it. We decided before we set out that that would all be part of the look. The slightly less pretentious answer is that we knew we'd have to move fast and guerilla style and decided to embrace that as part of the aesthetic..

I think a little bit of grain is a good thing. My two cinematography faves (this one and Not The Same) both embraced it. I'm trying to do the same thing on my recent projects. As a group, we have the DOF thing licked pretty good now. But we need to put texture back in the image.
We had to have grain so Mac could go against it.
waka waka, I'll be here all night folks and don't forget to tip the wait staff.

the other thing no one thinks about with these adaptors is angle of view.

And that's as big a tool as SDOF, perhaps more so because it is more subliminal.

Most of us throw the adaptor on there and shoot all the way open for max SDOF when a lot of stuff you see on the movies and TV is not that wide open.

You see video camera mentality a lot, which is throw the sticks down and then zoom in or out so what you want is in frame. But even without a 35mm adaptor things look closer together zoomed all the way in and further apart zoomed all the way out - at wide angle. The story telling vocabulary you can develop with this can be overt or subtle but it's a pretty strong tool.
great short guys!

MAC & ZAC Dis - qualified again.. : (

maybe next time.. keep raising that bar man.

best of fest IMHO. as well as dvpixl's treat.

Jack and Amy you guys were great in this. looking forward to seeing what you do next!
Congrats on the audience favorite guys! I loved this film! So did my husband.....hmmm...... :huh: :beer:
nice flick guys! I knew i recognize the dude with the glasses.. hes in one of the scenes from Deja vu.

That adapter is something, didn't u try to sell it a while back?
Excellent work Mac and Zak, very pro and a good eye for detail of the human nature.

Also Mac, if anyone says your gay, just say this is you. You're not going to mess with Paddy Considine from Dead mans shoes.

Have to admit. At first I was resisting the 'Jack' bandwagon. Then I saw this back in Drama Fest. That put it over the top. Combined with Jacks earlier works (Shed is my fav). Okay. I give. And Mac with the cam? Shoooooot. You guys are world class sheeeeeiiit. (lol, just in case that looks wrong, that means GOOD :) )

Edit: some time later...Oh great, I get to be the last one posting here? Somehow I don't think they're going to take that as any kind of an honor, lol. Help a serious film maker. Make a serious post for I am not capable of such a task. :)
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I don't see what everybody finds in this movie...
It was too long, too slow and the story was cheesy
to my taste
And worst of all he gets wacked by a car and his glasses stay on his face?!
tsk tsk tsk...
the cinematgraphy was excellent though