Drama-Fest Winners

i imagine it's likely that 18 Seconds drew a lot of votes for a particular type of filmmaking that otherwise would have gone to shorts with similar appeal to that voter. It's too bad. Ideally, the DQ should have been announced immediately, and well before voting ended. Not to diminish the achievement of the DramaFest winners, they certainly deserve their place. But you have to wonder which filmmaker would have gotten the bulk of those 18 Seconds votes.
that's clearly why. just wish it hadn't affected the voting in dramafest. results might have been the same, but the possibility that some other film is not getting an honor that it deserved is a little disappointing. but just a little. it's not going to change how anyone feels about the films they watched or what the filmmakers learned from the experience. and that is the real purpose of these fests.... to celebrate the filmmaking.

anyway, we learn and we move on.
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congrats everyone and it was really great to watch everyones contribution to the fest. special congrats to the winners and i know you guys and gals will put those items to good use in the future! you should be proud of your accomplishments in the process, and of the finished films :)
Let me add my thanks and very heartfelt appreciation to DVXuser, Varizoom and all the winners. This was an awesome festival with a lot of wonderful films entered. What a great way to start 2007.
Congrats to all the winners !!! I'm new here but I'm already hooked. I enjoyed watching everyones films and you're all winners just for participating...All be it the not the kind of winners that get the prizes...lol
It's been said many times before me, but again, conratulations to all the winners and people who participated in this contest.
Top 3 shorts all in top 8 of list?

Top 3 shorts all in top 8 of list?

Congrats everyone! All great films.

Is it a coincidence that the top 3 films (except for Mac's; but his is an exception) were all placed in the top 8 of the list? Maybe for the next festival we could have this random generator where every time you enter the voting/viewing booth, the links to the shorts would be randomly shuffled (you could place numbers next to the films, or use cookies, so that those who have already visited before won't need their film list to be shuffled -- which would help people who want to return and keep their "place").

That way, we won't have people watching just the top 10 films on the list, and picking their favorite out of just those, etc. I'm not sure how common this is, but it'd be a good idea.
congrats to the winners and thank you to all of those who worked so hard to put on the fest! this was a great experience for me. i thank you very much for accepting my film for submission. for one week there i felt quite accomplished in doing something that one month before did not exist. making a story come to life. ive worked in so many different fields and jobs i cant count anymore, but so far nothing has felt better than to have a dog in the show.

i didnt care who won to tell you the truth, im not even sure how someone does win at something like this, so many of the shorts here were all very good. and in their own way too. and that makes it even better to see them all. and maybe thats the answer to the gordon's inquisitive post above, maybe it comes down to the viewer's loss if the viewer chooses to watch only a certain select few of the films, but i can tell you i miss the feeling already. but enough with the sentimentallity already, put the drama to bed, man! go spyfest!
TimurCivan said:
Oh hell NO WAY!!!

I just realised you guys are getting the 800X480P monitors!!!!!

DAmnit thoes are great!!!!

Just found out only 1st Place gets the 800x480P monitor. Although not pictured, 2nd place receives a 7" standard definition monitor. Shoot, beggars can't be choosers, but I was like :crybaby: when I found that out ... only because I had been thinking it was the same as the pictured one.

Regardless, grateful for the placement, and grateful for ANY of the support & gear that Tom from Varizoom stepped up with, as that was a VERY generous thing for he & his company to do.

Thanks again! :dankk2:
Congrats everyone, I definitely agree with those top picks. And yeah, the overall quality took a huge leap this fest, kudos to all. And awesome prizes! So jealous!
Gordon JL said:
Congrats everyone! All great films.

Is it a coincidence that the top 3 films (except for Mac's; but his is an exception) were all placed in the top 8 of the list? Maybe for the next festival we could have this random generator where every time you enter the voting/viewing booth, the links to the shorts would be randomly shuffled (you could place numbers next to the films, or use cookies, so that those who have already visited before won't need their film list to be shuffled -- which would help people who want to return and keep their "place").

That way, we won't have people watching just the top 10 films on the list, and picking their favorite out of just those, etc. I'm not sure how common this is, but it'd be a good idea.

This was done before and it was nightmare. Maybe it could work but it would have to be random with no repitition until you'ved cycled through. Otherwise it would be like the time this was implemented where you keep refreshing your screen cyclying through the 50 movies you've seen before trying to get to the last 3 you haven't.

The other problem is you have to vote before you know the class curve. You may see a film that you think is worthy of an oscar nomination and better than anything you've ever seen in DVXuser in your 1st 5 films and pick it as a winner or give it a 10, only to find a movie worthy of an Oscar WIN in the last 5 movies you watch. Now what?

Also the numbering of the list has little bearing, having been in 5 of these contest and seeing winners come from all over the alphabet and placement in the list.

So given that it actually has little imlpact based on the last 5 fests, plus all the benfiits of having a list you can downliad from all at once and watch later it seems the pros outweigh any percieved cons. 50 to 70 movies is a lot to get through and ease of access is important.
VariZoom prizes being prepared

VariZoom prizes being prepared

Congratulations to the first, second and third place winners.

We are preparing the goods and should ship soon after we get all shipping addresses and confirmation from the DVXUSER official.

We were working on a little Vanna White style presentation of prizes but have been swamped getting ready for NAB.

Here is preview of the support all will winners will be receiving.

Thanks Jarred for letting VariZoom be apart of the DramaFest

Jack Daniel Stanley said:
This was done before and it was nightmare. Maybe it could work but it would have to be random with no repitition until you'ved cycled through. Otherwise it would be like the time this was implemented where you keep refreshing your screen cyclying through the 50 movies you've seen before trying to get to the last 3 you haven't.

The other problem is you have to vote before you know the class curve. You may see a film that you think is worthy of an oscar nomination and better than anything you've ever seen in DVXuser in your 1st 5 films and pick it as a winner or give it a 10, only to find a movie worthy of an Oscar WIN in the last 5 movies you watch. Now what?

Also the numbering of the list has little bearing, having been in 5 of these contest and seeing winners come from all over the alphabet and placement in the list.

So given that it actually has little imlpact based on the last 5 fests, plus all the benfiits of having a list you can downliad from all at once and watch later it seems the pros outweigh any percieved cons. 50 to 70 movies is a lot to get through and ease of access is important.


I was actually thinking about having the entire list of films just like we did in this contest; except that they are in random order anytime someone refreshes (this could be avoided though, maybe by detecting that the person alread has the cookie to the site -- that way, those who visit the site for the first time will get a completely different list than anyone else -- but the list will remain the same if s/he chooses to revisit it).

I agree that the last festival that did this was a terrible experience, but I think there are different ways to execute this random-generator idea. Personally, I know little about web coding, but I do think the use of cookies and also a number right next to the film on the list would help things, assuming there the complete list of films is shown instead of just 1-3 at a time -- that way, people can just write down the number of the film they've already seen, and skip that one.

Here's an example of what the page might look like (assuming there are 5 film entries total):

(randomly generated, using cookies to detect the IP)

4. film 1
2. film 2
5. etc.

Another person who visits the page will get a completely different order of the list, but if you refresh or visit the same page again another time, it detects cookies and actually won't randomize again (is this possible?).

There could be a different way to execute this random order idea, but I'm just throwing it out there.
The random generation of the list is definitely possible, and using cookies to make sure a particular visitor gets the same "random" list every time is also possible.

However, many of the people I've talked to don't watch the films straight through in the order they appear on the list (I know I don't). Instead, many enter the viewing phase with a mental list of films they are looking forward to seeing first. They start by watching these, then the rest they watch either by what seems more intriguing, or by going down the list.

I don't know if the value added by creating a re-creatable random list would offset the complexity of designing/implementing it.

I was planning on providing the list (in future fests) in tabular format allowing you, the viewer, to sort the list on user name or title, so you can more easily find the films you are looking for.

I could also add a "randomizer" button to shuffle the list into some random fashion. It wouldn't remember the order it shuffled to if you re-visit the page, but it would be a simple matter to store the "films downloaded" and mark them, so if you re-shuffle them you could still see which films you have left to watch.

I'll have to give this some more thought...if you have any other thoughts/ideas, pass them along.
