AFTER CLASS - snodart & Tim Young

Thanks for the new input guys.

dangal, to be honest with you, I read your first post and then decide to ignore it. I did this mainly because it lacked tact and common respect, and because it seemed to fall pretty far outside of the other feedback that we have received (both positive and negative).

That being said, I think your second response was a little more clearly stated and thought provoking.

As to the actor who played the teacher. I see your point, but respectfully disagree.

The egg. Everyone who posted a comment thus far understood that it was an egg. If you missed that it was an egg... well that makes about one in a hundred or so responses. I can live with that.

dangal said:
also I would have understood that it was an egg if
1. He would have looked up to see if he can see a nest.
Maybe you missed it in your second viewing, but the boy does actually look up about 9 seconds into it. We thought about showing that the object was an egg at this point, but decided that it would be nice to let the viewer wonder what it was until the point when the boy pulls it out to inspect it at the desk.

dangal said:
also one problem with the cinematography. heads are being cut out all the time, kinda bothered me
I agree with you 100% here, and I believe it was mentioned in a couple of other posts as well. We did try to keep the framing pretty tight for most shots, but now haveing watched it several times after the fest, I wish we would have utilized some head room in many of the shots. A good lesson learned for us.

At any rate, I do appreciate you taking the time to post and giving us your thoughts.

deputy_dog said:
The story as a whole seemed to work for me, but it felt more like a 6 minute part of a larger movie.
deputy_dog, thanks for the comments. When we wrote the story we wanted it to feel more like a short story than a short film. I think that most short stories have that quality of being a part of something bigger. One of the reasons that I appreciate short stories is that they often seem to only tell some of the story or just a random segment in time. It seems that this allows the reader to fill in the rest of the pieces and to apply the story more easily to their own experiences (since the background of the story is less specific). Anyway, I'm not sure if doing this hurt the overall impact of our short or not, but that was our thought process.
yeah sorry about that first post I was in an arrogant mood for some reason.
I really liked all the movie except for u know what no need to mention it again.
I think u should make many more movies. Just next time I think you should think more about casting which is very important
Hey Snod or Tim,

I wanted to dig through this thread to see about your mic set up, but it's so big now. I know it was an Okatava with extra's. What exact extra's did you use? Windscreen? Shockmount? I'm looking to do the same.
here's our mic setup with part numbers from b&h:

k-tek k-sm shock mount with soft rubber mounts KTKSMS. some people buy the shorter version (k-ssm) of this mount because it fits the oktava a bit better, but i bought the standard one to be able to use it with a longer shotgun mic in the future. it works fine with the oktava and the rest of the setup. the soft rubber mounts are important because they're more shock absorbant that the standard rubber mounts.

k-tek boom pole KTKE110CC. this boom is nice because it's internally wired, meaning you connect the XLR cord to the end of the boom, and don't have to run it up the boom on the outside, which is a pain.

rycote baby ball gag RYBBG20

rycote baby ball gag windjammer RYBBGWJ

oktava mc-012 (also known as mk-012) mic - i got this by going to a local guitar center and offering them $50. if one guitar center doesn't accept the offer, you can call around to other guitar centers who will ship it to them. they should sell it for around this price. i think they may be phasing this mic out, but i think you can still find one by calling around to different guitar centers. it's an unbelievable mic for the price. here it is at the sound room (see below for explanation of what the sound room is):

oktava hypercardioid (short shotgun) mic capsule from the sound room. the cardoid capsule that comes with the mic is a short-reach pattern and not real well-suited for most film sound applications. in general, the most useful mic pattern for indoor use is a hypercardioid:

the sound room is a place that tests oktava mics and resells them. i guess there have been problems with the production of these mics from russia and the mics that are sold at guitar center are not all up to par. the guy who owns this place tests all of his mics and guarantees them, but they are more expensive. i decided to go the cheap route and buy from guitar center and our mic has been good so far. i actually bought 3, took them home and tested them, picked the best (they all sounded good though) and took the other 2 back. here's an article where a guy compares these mics favorably with much more expensive mics. he uses it for film sound:

the downside of the oktava is that it's extremely sensitive to being bumped, so the above suspension system with the soft rubber mounts is a must. with good suspension though, it's nice and quiet. in my opinion having a good support system for the mic is a necessity and you shouldn't skimp there, because even a great mic with a bad suspension system and boom will have handling noise and will give you unusable sound.

we also have a minidisc recorder for use as a separate system (when we can't or don't want to go straight into the camera for the audio). there are now hi-md minidisc recorders that have the benefit of being able to directly transfer audio files to a computer and also record uncompressed audio (regular minidiscs record a sony compression format similar to mp3). with a regular minidisc the analog output has to be captured by an audio card to bring it into the computer. both minidisc and hi-md will have to be sync'ed to the video once in the computer.

to connect the camera to the boom, i use a mogami 25 ft XLR cable, with an 1/8" headphone extension cable attached to it with zip ties every foot or so. the headphone extension runs the other way and is plugged into the camera so the boom operator can plug headphones into the other end and monitor the sound.

right now i'm experimenting with a macbook, an m-audio firewire 410 soundcard, and the software boom recorder for use as a separate system. the preamps on the soundcard sound better and are less noisy than the dvx's. i'm trying to figure out broadcast wave format and using timecode to automatically sync separate sound to picture in FCP.

we are also planning to buy a wireless lavalier system as the next step once we're able to afford it. the above mic setup will be pretty versatile as a starter setup though. i'm not sure of the exact cost, but it's about as cheap as you'll find for a nice usable boom setup.
Anyone know where I could find
here are the socket adapter and the splitter at lowes.
in Australia (Sydney). Looked at Bunnings but they had never heard of it..I live in the CBD.. Please send me a message or an email from my profile..
Nada. These parts, that are commonly available in Home Depot and Lowe's in Nth America are NOT available in Oz. No one has even heard of it..
Amazing! :-(