8 1/2 STOPS - latitude color grading chart

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If we only get 8 1/2 stops out of Red, that will be a dissapointment. :crybaby:

Let's get it back up there into the 11s Red team!
dont worry.. ive seen the sensor record at least 11 stops (and then ran out of ND's) last week.

As David has said, he could have gone a couple stops both ways in his tests.
Jarred Land said:
dont worry.. ive seen the sensor record at least 11 stops (and then ran out of ND's) last week.

As David has said, he could have gone a couple stops both ways in his tests.

Hi Jarred,

Any chance on posting the new frames?

Many thanks,

We are shooting new frames.. things have improved since then (2 weeks ago) so the frames posted next should be able to show a better range. It would be good to be able to have a single frame latitude test rather than shooting 30 frames.
Jarred Land said:
We are shooting new frames.. things have improved since then (2 weeks ago) so the frames posted next should be able to show a better range. It would be good to be able to have a single frame latitude test rather than shooting 30 frames.

Hi Jarred,

With ND 0.15 gell you could build a backlit grey scale with 0.5 stop intervals. Done that before now!

Look forward to seeing newer tests,

Anders, I'd agree that that's the best way to do a nice, single shot dynamic range test, as then you can see where the white's blend together and the blacks become indistinguisable, and then just read off the answer in stops. Easy. That's the technique that DPReview uses - it's accurate and repeatable, and not open to much subjectivity.

absolutely.. I think we should try and make that test the standard.. its much more non-subjective as Graeme says, and is much more fitting for digital sensors.
Have you guys tried to contact Dpreviews Phil Askey?
He seems to have some great practical experience with testing procedures both with regards to noise, sharpness, dynamic range etc.
Especially if you get a shootout done in the new year, it would be very good to be able to show noise curves with both black and white patch to compare againt sharpness patches and responce curves etc.
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Graeme_Nattress said:
And I know that the RAW to RGB conversion was not correct for those images too.



Have your revised the debayer algorithm as well? While we are on the topic of debayering, how sensitive is your algorithm to chromatic aberration? It doesn't take much TCA for the RGB correlation model to break down.

Perhaps at a later date you could support TCA correction in Redcine. This will allow the less wealthy users to use cheap glass without sacrificing debayer performance.
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