'Aetas' - an Epic Medieval Tale

The two new posters (at least they are new to me) look really good. I should leave everything there - it's a really good first page. Re-reading your production log, I've realized that you didn't yet have your actors when you shot in the desert, so this is presumably only a small part of the film? A rhetorical question - you don't have to answer: we will find out soon enough.
This movie is right up my husbands alley. I think he would carry a sword around during his work day if he was allowed to...:tongue:
Shawn planto films ut planto mihi volo ut iucunditas mehi. Aetas could exsisto plurrimi bizarromorte membrana of totus vicis.

(I found an English to Latin translator on line that I am having stand by for when Aetas screens.)
Shawn planto films ut planto mihi volo ut iucunditas mehi. Aetas could exsisto plurrimi bizarromorte membrana of totus vicis.

(I found an English to Latin translator on line that I am having stand by for when Aetas screens.)

Wow. This lulling is getting to some people. :tongue:
This looks BIG

First, The Passion of the Christ in Aramaic, the Apocalypto in Mayan, now Aetas in Latin...wowsa.
I'm nervous... :undecided

I just hope people like Herman's new score... it originally had a Rick Astley score, but that got cut at the last minute.
Alright Shawn my man, here comes my review. First...It was simply beautiful.

First pass:

Opening shot, amazing, and that music is gorgeous. Exceptional. So incredibly moving. I enjoyed the rack focus up on the creature. Though not a fan of the dissolve on white. It sounded as if maybe some of the dialog was cluttered a tad in the beginning. A little hard to hear. But this was corrected coming in after the passing of your actress.

The latin was incredible. Absolutely incredible. Added a whole new sense to the film. Very glad you did that.

The cave shot was very nice too. Were those markings there or did you add them in?

And such a C.U.T.E sundial. It's so tiny.

By far, the scenery was amazing. I loved every minute of it. And the score was so moving. The RED has some amazing images. This was a fantastic epic. It really an truly was. Costuming was exquisite.

I really enjoyed the timelapse shot of the clouds. You really got a sense of the story though the images alone. Which is remarkable.

Quite the entry. Like I said Shawn - really amazing stuff.
Nice short.

Visually, of course, it looked awesome. A pleasure to watch.

Story was simple and well executed. Maybe I would have liked to know more back story on everything, but that's hard to do in 6 minutes.

Great work. I can't wait to see what you put out next.

This was visually stunning getting the most out of the camera and locations. I thought the performances were believable, given Latin raises the level of difficulty.

Ultimately the story was lacking conflict to build the drama of the piece. There really wasn't much to the quest and, for that reason, usually the protagonist will have to face some sort of trial along a journey such as this (the fresh blood on the sword made me wonder if a scene like this had been cut for time).

I thought the mythology could have been explained better as to where he was heading, the sun dial and the consequences of removing the cloak. It made the ending a bit confusing as to whether she was coming back to him or he was going to her.

The reunion at the end felt a bit drawn out and could have had more impact if the relationship between the two leads had been developed more deeply at the onset of the film.

all and all, well executed technically. I thought Herman's score was top notch and added substantially to the mood of the piece. I also liked the fellow in the Venetian mask and wanted to learn more about him. Congrats on getting a film in the fest.

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Stunning, stunning, stunning score and cinematography. Beautiful film. Just lacked a bit of conflict and an antagonistic character for me,(I didn't feel "death" was enough) but it carried me all the way through.

Great job!
Jim pretty much hit on what I was thinking in regards to conflict. I thought maybe it would be harder to find that little clock but I loved that it was so small. Amazing looking piece and I loved that it took us on that visual journey. I thought she looked a little young for him but I have daughters so that might just be my hang up. :)
She has amazing eye lashes and should do Covergirl commercials.
She has amazing eye lashes and should do Covergirl commercials.
I assumed they were fake. Might be wrong on that.

Beautiful movie! Very nice story as well.
I could have used a little more meat in the story than scenery but it still worked quite well. You should be quite happy with this entry.

Well done!

She has amazing eye lashes and should do Covergirl commercials.

I didn't know they had mascara and fake eyelashes in the middle ages. :)

Cool short, man. Awesome images. Beautiful score by Herman. Sword and Sandal flicks, alright!! I thought some of the dialog was a bit too "chesty" sounding, but whispering is extremely hard to record.

Great job, man. If there are any scenes that had to be cut, I really look forward to seeing the extended version.
Great cinematography Shawn.

Yeah, those Eylashes are a bit over the top but great cinematography - love it.
