ScriptFest XIV: HolidayFest

Time for the holiday fest threads?

I know someone new to this site who would like to take part but is awaiting directions.May help them step forward
No idea for this one still, but where's the thread? Makes me feel good - I'm not the only one slacking.
Sorry, I'll get that fixed. Oh and start your threads here and you may be hosting your scripts yourself. Anyone who can't share their script can send it to me and I'll host it.
If this isn't getting it's own forum I say bonus points to anyone who manages to also adhere to the BloodGamesFest requirements in the same script! A Very Bloody Christmas (parody on A Very Brady Christmas) is up for grabs.
Have an idea. You guys are fine with the 3 B's right - blasphemy, bestiality, and babes? Because it wouldn't be a party without them.
Argh, had to come up with something new at the last minute, realised my script wasn't original. I plagiarised myself, a script I wrote last year for the Christmas filmfest that I never ended up making. I thought the story came rather easily! After listening to a humourous drive program PSA about office parties on the radio today on the way home, I decided to whip a quick script together on the theme - Day After. Concept to completion: 4 hours! Barely time for a proper proof-read, let alone rewrites.

Sorry, I'll get that fixed. Oh and start your threads here and you may be hosting your scripts yourself. Anyone who can't share their script can send it to me and I'll host it.

I'll need to take you up on that, PM me where to send it. Thanks.
I found out yesterday that you can embed a pdf in a post. :)

I found out today I got the deadline wrong and missed out on a day of editing :(