Jason Ramsey
DVXFest – HorrorFest II – Official Rules
- Make a movie. Genre/Theme = Horror.
- 10 minutes and 1 second is a disqualification. 10 Minutes or less is acceptable.
- Please do not exceed what would be reasonably considered as a Hard R rating for your film. If you are unsure, please ask first. We strive to allow for creative freedom for all entrants, however, pornography will not be screened as part of this festival.
- Please include the text "Official DVXFest Participant" at the *Beginning* of your film. It must be clearly visible. Other than that, feel free to accomplish this however you want.
- You must use the following 3 letters in your film: "DVX". This may be represented visually, or as dialog. Feel free to be creative with this required element. But, please make it clear (to those of us looking for it). You will be required to provide a still frame and/or time stamp when you officially submit your entry. This requirement is merely to encourage that your entry was shot during the allotted time frame. NOTE: Text overlay added in post is NOT acceptable. Exceptions granted for animated films. Please ask first if you are unsure.
- You must use original or licensed material in your film. Failure to do so will result in disqualification. DVXuser.com (or its partners) assumes no liability for copyright violations. We will make a good faith effort to identify any and all copyright violations in submitted entries.
HorrorFest II Run Dates
HorrorFest II Promotion
- No more than 30 seconds of actual footage from your film may be displayed prior to the date that entries officially go live.
- You may promote your film (and DVXfest in general) on, or outside of, DVXuser.com. Please do *not* register to websites simply to spam links to your fest entry. Utilize channels and communities you are already involved in. “Spammy” behavior will be grounds for disqualification.
**While it is our goal to publicly screen all entries that meet the above qualifications, DVXuser reserves the right to refuse entry for any reason.
Prizes will be listed in the next post below this one. More will be added right up until the festival closes.
Upload/Submission instructions have been posted in the following thread:
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