GH1 firmware research volunteers required

Hey, I just wanted to say, this thread rules. I hope we can really fix the codec and framerate limitations on this camera, I feel like the way this camera encodes is partially ****ed up and just increasing the bitrate or even to all I frames prolly wont be enough, but maybe it would go pretty far. The sensor itself, the CPU and the hardware that writes to the SD cards, I hope are up to snuff. ASM with no comments is some pretty hard core stuff, I can code C but dealing with that ... good night. lol. I'll be blown away if yall can read the sensor data directly then jump to your own encoding function ;P How about red raw? :D
re. card speed, it's possible that the card isn't actually being written to 100% of the time, but rather in small bursts (because the camera is busy doing something else, like compression).

If that's true then don't expect that you can simply figure out the needed card speed from the video bitrate, you may need a certain percentage more.
I give small notice'

New Ptool version have some problem from GOP, it wasn't stable, few same shot have different data. Testing more..

For example: (shoot stable picture, don't move or shake camera, duration 1:00)

Version change - X
30min removal - X
VA Bitrate Adjustment - 20xxxxxxx
VA Bitrate Adjustment 2 - 24xxxxxxx
VA Bitrate Top Limit - X
AV Native 24/25p attempt -X
VA 720p50 GOP Size - Change
VA 1080p25 GOP Size - Change
AU Audio encoding bps - 320000

720p GOP - 4 (14,7Mbps) and 1080p GOP - 4 (18,8Mbps)

change to

720p GOP - 4 (8,8Mbps) and 1080p GOP - 5 (18,2Mbps)

and change to

720p GOP - 3 (14,9Mbps) and 1080p GOP - 3 (7,5Mbps)

and change to

720p GOP - 3 (15,4Mbps) and 1080p GOP - 5 (18,0Mbps)

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All I can say is that GOP patches are unchanged from your previous tests.
It is not possible to understand that caused your fluctuations.

Can you provide small (5s) clips for all video resolutions and all framerates (plus all settings of compression)?
Including ALL resolutions of MJPEG.
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Upload link:

Setting for this video ;-) not too bad, like been tonight tests.. (maybe I was too tired) :badputer:

Ptoot 3.14 ver. ;-)

Version change - X
30min removal - X
VA Bitrate Adjustment - 20xxxxxxx
VA Bitrate Adjustment 2 - 24xxxxxxx
VA Bitrate Top Limit - X
Native 24/25p attempt -X
VA 720p50 GOP Size - Change
VA 1080p25 GOP Size - Change
AU Audio encoding bps - 320000

720p GOP - 3 (17,9Mbps) and 1080p GOP - 4 (17,2Mbps)

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But interesting news. (same settings)

After 1 h. recording on SHD (720p mode, but very hi bitrate 20,1Mbps) last record on FHD (1080p mode) stoping after 10 sec. (video file is empty)
Maybe my camera slightly mad..

Testing more..
I know, this is same low level stuff as AGC. But easear to spot.
Read my previous posts. I traced it back to main camera state structure and know hardware error number.
But it is almost impossible to find where it sets error state and code.

As for 1.21 (actual) firmware with battery support it is of little help, as it is wastly different from 1.22 (1.12 is much much closer to 1.22).
Batter support should be a very low priority.
The Chinese are already making batteries with chips inside that defeat the "origin" tests. I bough mine from BestBatt for $23.00, have the price of the genuine.
They also sell a battery for $16.00 that will only work with the early firmware.
So for $7 in savings it is not worth to waste Tester's time.
Let him tackle the mud issue solving which will elevate the GH1 to a totally new level.
He already solved two nuisance issues - the 30 minutes recording level for European markets and Japanese only restriction for the Japanese region.

Great job so far.
I disagree. It's likely all these batteries will stop working when Panasonic release 1.3 - and I assume tester13 will be patching this firmware when it arrives.
Test results: This settings is stable (for my camera). ;-) 40min rec. non stop for all mode.

Version change - X
30min removal - X
Native 24/25p - X
VA Bitrate Adjustment - 20xxxxxxx
VA Bitrate Adjustment 2 - 24xxxxxxx
VA Bitrate Top Limit - X
VA 720p50 GOP Size - 3
VA 1080p25 GOP Size - 10
AU Audio encoding bps - 320000

720p (19,1Mbps) and 1080p (19,0Mbps)
Test results: This settings is stable (for my camera). ;-) 40min rec. non stop for all mode.

Version change - X
30min removal - X
Native 24/25p - X
VA Bitrate Adjustment - 20xxxxxxx
VA Bitrate Adjustment 2 - 24xxxxxxx
VA Bitrate Top Limit - X
VA 720p50 GOP Size - 3
VA 1080p25 GOP Size - 10
AU Audio encoding bps - 320000

720p (19,1Mbps) and 1080p (19,0Mbps)

Would be nice to see a clip with these settings in order to check the IQ.
Im realy interested too, please post some clips with these settings...some scenes with fast movin' and some with complex scenes ( grass, or forrest)
I might suggest that the 3rd party battery issue also might wait until later, since we all can just spend 20 bucks more and get a first party version.

It is possible, that with such an addition to the firmware patch, that it could make a certain company unhappy with these efforts... so best to stick to things that don't impact their accessory sales until a little bit later? Just a suggestion.
Some video for this test:

plus MJPEG 24p



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Batter [sic] support should be a very low priority.
The Chinese are already making batteries with chips inside that defeat the He already solved two nuisance issues - the 30 minutes recording level for European markets and Japanese only restriction for the Japanese region.
Great job so far.
+1. In addition to available alternatives, there is an unknown liabilility concern. Can everyone applying patches sign a disclaimer promising not to go after tester13 (not likely it will have much effect anyway ;) the first time something "stupid" happens? Ultimately, T13 makes his own decisions, but my suggestion is not to touch this one.