Upcoming Fest Ideas

HorrorFest next would be bonzer! That way the scripts would be readily available for a Halloween-Themed fest.
Yeah I guess a halloween type theme might be a good idea for at least that purpose though it will feel strange writing such sinisterisms hehe during Summer :p
I'm sure any idea we post here will automatically be eliminated from consideration. The moderators would hate to look unoriginal. :p

So what is it? and when is it?
Don't make me laugh! Still, I will second the motion. I don't think I could write one. Or if I did, it would be super cheesy. In the meantime, I am trying to write something for questfest just to get more practice in.
So when is this going to happen? I'd like to be a part of it, but I have assignments coming up and need to know what the schedule is for this.
