So how did you afford your DVX?

I'm just doing this thing for fun, and seeing if it can take me anywhere. Right now I just started filming for a bmx video, to learn the camera and how to edit.

I got the money for my camera by running a commercial fishing business in Alaska. I would love to film a documentary on it next summer, and hopfully have that lead me into filming nature docs.
Used some equity from my house. Guess I'll never pay it off. Unless I sell my home.
I borrowed my brother's and started buying all the accessories
-35mm adapter
-editing stuff

now i know more about the camera than he does! I've probably put 90% of the hours on it. :evil:
I first bought a Canon Optura 20 and taught my self how to shoot and edit. I then shot several instructional DVDs and started marketing them. As I began to make a decent income from video sales I started putting back money for a camera upgrade. I just relesed my first title shot with the DVX100b.
Same way I buy a lot of things I don't absolutely need... 0% APR balance transfer cards, then just pay off accordingly. It is a lot of cash to drop all at once on a hobby.
Glad to see a whole variety of stories...Still haven't seen one on selling kidneys on ebay....Kind of bummed....
I had to learn how to bartend,.. pretend I liked the people, and essentially sell my soul. I now have a MINT 100A, all the goods and a drinking problem...;).
although, its not as bad as it sounds....
I am Jumping in here pretty late, but I always wondered how people afforded their DVX.
For me I decided to start saving money my junior year of high school and then a little less then 2 years later I bought decent computer and my DVX.
I sold my soul.

Haha just kidding, I've been working like CRAZY for the last while. It's all the taxes and brokerage fees and that kind of stuff that's gonna kill me.
sold my gl1 and death lens, and my parents pitched in and i bought my 100a. then, i saved up for a boom mic, and tripod. my friends parents own a hardware store, so they were nice to hook me up with lights.
Impressed the right people with some stuff I shot on a $150 video camera and got backers. Evidently it's still working. My business partner just bought an Advanta Jib Lite and a huge Florescent light kit for me to put to good use.
I worked the summer of my freshman year (in high school) at a camera shop (I originally am into photography) and bought it at the end of the summer from a guy from my church that I had just met. It was a DVX100 with 170 hours in mint condition for $900. Now he feels bad for selling it to me for so much so he (I havent had any problems with it) bought me an extra battery, shotgun mike, and lets me use his mac laptop on weekends when he is not using it. THe only hitch is he gets to use it once a year around january at some conference.

But other than that its awesome, the best purchase I have made!
I worked for a year saving and combined bday money to get mine, After i got mine i convinced my boss to start a video department witch he did and now i have twice as many toys to play with.

I have slowly pieced my gear together, i finally have a light kit and every other basic i could think of.
I know... Its kind of funny, because I am looking on here, and everyone is buying theirs for at least 1.5k, while he feels bad for selling it to me for so much, and I feel bad for ripping him off.
But hes a nice guy, and he probably inherently feels that way.( I wish there were more!)
i got a sweet job in Japan and saved the cash from that. Luckily there is one small camera place around here that sells the DVX otherwise i'd have ended up with an XL2 or something... :)
I deployed to Iraq and saved my wages (which are tax-free in a combat zone) and bought my baby as soon as I returned home. After my next deployment, I'm going to upgrade to the HVX:)