Rezfactor--"Runway" [working title] Production Notes Thread

i'd still like to comment and say, this is my favorite film. beautifully shot, love the shots!

the airplane shots were spectacular, and the bts of how you did it...creative!

my first impression on the storyline :)D) was also something to do with parallism or something like there was three of them (triplets) *shrugs*

nice job rez, I REALLY ENJOYED it and was amazed/impressed with how you worked with what you got.

Looking forward to METRO/more of your works, sir!

flamecrow said:
i'd still like to comment and say, this is my favorite film. beautifully shot, love the shots!
Wow! Thanks for the warm compliments! I don't usually reply to specific posts, mostly because I don't want to artificially "bump" the thread up in position too much. But that's quite a nice bit of commentary. I'm truly flattered--thanks! Certainly, all RUNWAY-RELATED POSTS can certainly STAY HERE IN THIS THREAD. I just didn't want to cross-post a bunch of stuff about my next project here also. But, if you're talking about RUNWAY, please, post away!
Jack Daniel Stanley said:
Its interesting to see people evolve and grow over these fests. I feel like you started awesome and have remained awesome in the camera dept. But I feel like you are treading water or even taking some steps back in terms of story, or at least have not hit story as strongly as you did this time last year in Zombie fest. I thought the story in Infection was thought out well and perfect for the time, and had a nice button.

Not sure if you'll ever visit this thread again, but your comment here has stuck in my head ever since you first wrote it. At first read, I thought, "What the hell is Jack talking about? RUNWAY is MUCH more thought out than INFECTION ever was. Jack's full of sh*t! But then again, he IS, Jack Daniel Stanley, so he MUST be making sense somehow with this comment . . ."

So . . . I just re-watched "INFECTION" for the first time in months, and I have to agree with you. Given some time and perspective, INFECTION was actually much more solid than I had originally believed it to be. The last shot (the shot that effected "the story," without which, there would have been no story), as you may recall, was shot just a few hours before the submission deadline, and was quickly thrown into the timeline for the final cut. It sure is nice to get some distance from your projects to re-view them. I like it better now, and I seem to be a bit more willing to forgive its flaws.

[Note: I'll post a link here later, so that those of you who missed INFECTION, will also be able to soon view it on YouTube.]
Well thanks for giving me he benefit of the doubt, lol.

Infection, unlike Runway or Distraction IMHO, has a beginning middle and end, clear trajectory, and a button ... short films are all about the button - the last bit that either turns the short on its head in an unexpected way, answers all the questions you've set up in the short, or suggests something cyclical.

You maybe the best shooter on here, so I think it warrants looking at why Infection placed so much higher than your last two entries. Story would be my bet. There's no reason you shouldn't be landing in the top 10 like Zombie Fest every time out (or walking away with this thing) if you can nail your story.