FX6: Recommedation On Which Lens Next - FS5 MkII and FX6

Yes. You might not notice it with wide-angle or deep DoF, but with long lenses and shallow DoF, you can see the camera performs differently. In fact, the A1 doesn't even offer all the same settings in each of the two modes. That right there is a clue that there are differences.

And I will say from my own hands-on experience, that the FX6 auto-focus clearly outperforms the A1 when shooting video.

My point is that you can't just assume that auto-focus will perform the same when shooting stills or video. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. That's why competent testing by an experienced video shooter, who knows what to look for, is very important.

And even if it could be shown that a camera performs exactly the same in video and stills mode, you can't conclude that that performance is good enough for video. Something that is good enough for stills might be terrible for video. Lots of DSLRs have great auto-focus for stills, but its not good enough for video. My 5DMIV is a perfect example of that.
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Yes. You might not notice it with wide-angle or deep DoF, but with long lenses and shallow DoF, you can see the camera performs differently. In fact, the A1 doesn't even offer all the same settings in each of the two modes. That right there is a clue that there are differences.

And I will say from my own hands-on experience, that the FX6 auto-focus clearly outperforms the A1 when shooting video.

My point is that you can't just assume that auto-focus will perform the same when shooting stills or video. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. That's why competent testing by an experienced video shooter, who knows what to look for, is very important.

And even if it could be shown that a camera performs exactly the same in video and stills mode, you can't conclude that that performance is good enough for video. Something that is good enough for stills might be terrible for video.

I see. Looking at YouTube...not a lot of autofocus tests on FX6. I will say that some of what you see in stills tests carries over. If they test a lens and it misses focus on a couple of shots on the running-towards-camera test, then in my experience it will buzz now and then on similar video shots. If it pulses for them sometimes, it pulses for me sometimes. If it switches from the subject to the background, it will do so for me on occasion. But your point is well taken.

I'm glad that Sigma is switching from their stepping motor. I was very interested in their 35mm f/1.2 but looking at video tests, you could see the focus jumping at discrete intervals through the range. Hopefully their new motor design will ameliorate that, although now that I have a GM 35 I doubt I would switch.

The only lens still on my wishlist is the hopefully soon-to-be-released Sony GM 85 ii to replace my Samyang 85. I've put the Tamron 35-150 in my shopping cart a few times... But I don't use zooms often enough to justify it. With the new 85, I'll have GM 14/24/35/50/85/135 and that'll cover 98% of my needs.
I'm sure the GM85 would be a great interview lens. I have the cheaper 85mm f/1.8 and love it.
But I opted for the second-generation 70-200mm f/2.8 for interviews because it gives me more versatility when I want to punch in a little tighter, not to mention when shooting other subject matter where a zoom is handy. That lens pretty much lives on my A1. But I do love the 85mm.
I'm sure the GM85 would be a great interview lens. I have the cheaper 85mm f/1.8 and love it.
But I opted for the second-generation 70-200mm f/2.8 for interviews because it gives me more versatility when I want to punch in a little tighter, not to mention when shooting other subject matter where a zoom is handy. That lens pretty much lives on my A1. But I do love the 85mm.

I've seen testing showing that the 85 f/1.8 has the best autofocus available of any E-mount 85. (...at least in stills mode...) Hopefully the new GM 85 will be just as good or better...

The new Sony v2 zooms (70-200 and 24-70) look amazing. I usually have enough time to shoot all my b-roll with primes (at least, with the help of having multiple rigs handy) so I'm not going to bother upgrading from my Sigma 24-70 or Tamron 70-180. At the time I bought them, those lenses performed better than the gen 1 Sony equivalent zooms. Sony lenses have come a long way. I rarely shoot verite/ENG-style but when I do it's usually with the Sigma 24-70. If money were no object, I'd trade that in for the Sony 24-70 v2 and also have the Tamron 35-150 available.
I'm interested in hearing if you think auto-focus performs as well with the Sigma as with Sony lenses. What is your experience? Do you have any Sony lenses to compare it to?

So far I have only done limited shooting with the Sigma. I've just shot some landscapes and building shots around our neighborhood, so it's hard to really tell how good any tracking might be. It seemed to be holding focus fine but of course I was shooting pretty wide so it was an easy test for the lens to pass. Even using the Sony 24-70 G Master, (which I've only owned since October) I haven't had to really track anything. The focus on it with my Sony FS5 MkII does not seem particularly fast but most of my shooting with it has been interviews and "business environment" b-roll. I know the FX6 will have much better autofocus. THANKS!
I currently own the Sigma 20mm f1.4, 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.4 and the 105 (macro) f2.8. I also own the Sony 70-200 f4 and the 200-600.

For interviews, I use the 50 1.4 (usually at f1.4) and I've had some real movers in the seat (who I've had to subdue with a tranquillizer gun :happy:), but the lens has never missed focus on my FX6 (and on my A7IV). Same goes with the 85mm, I can shoot that wide open on face tracking and I have total confidence.

The only time I had a problem was with the Sigma 35mm f1.2 (filming at f1.2). It developed a very strange pulsing problem which I put down to a fault with the lens as the 4 months prior it had no problems. I sent that back and went with the newer 50mm f1.4 and have been happy since.

So, overall, I'm very happy with the Sigma lenses and will continue to use them in the future.
I Have also a set of 2.8 Sigmas: the 14-24, 24-70 and 70-200.
Plus the 105/2.8 macro and the 105/1.4. Those ones mainly in photo but they work fine on the FX6 and FX30
Hi! I'm looking for thoughts on which should be the next lens I buy.

I dont get this.

The FS5 is S35 and manual focus

The FX6 is FF and auto focus

So the required lenses are completely different

To me S35 one should own 16mm ->200 and a fast 50
To me FF one shold own 20mm ->200/300 and afast50

So a 16-35 is the closest t fillingholes now and future - I see you bought a 14-24. Hopefully that is full frame.

After getting proper wide, id get a fast 50 and then look for a 2.8 telephoto in time.
I dont get this.

The FS5 is S35 and manual focus

The FX6 is FF and auto focus

So the required lenses are completely different

To me S35 one should own 16mm ->200 and a fast 50
To me FF one should own 20mm ->200/300 and afast50

So a 16-35 is the closest t fillingholes now and future - I see you bought a 14-24. Hopefully that is full frame.

After getting proper wide, id get a fast 50 and then look for a 2.8 telephoto in time.

Yes, the FS5 is S35 but has autofocus (not as good as the FX6) and the FX6 is full frame. My intention is to have lenses that can be used now but be valuable when I eventually move to the FX6, or whatever full frame option is available when I am able to move up.

The only lens I currently have that is APS-C or made for S35 is the 18-105 that came as the kit lens. The other lenses I own or would be considering are full frame lenses.

Thanks for the input and for having me clarify a bit. I hadn't thought about a fast 50 but I certainly see where that could come in handy. The 24-70 covers that for now.


Personally I find there is a very hard split.. I like retro manual lenses for manual focus and I likke the latest AF lenses for AF cameras.

Really the only cross over is a 16-35 (or similar) that is useful for both chip sizes and focus feel/throw is not so important.

So the lens you got is the best option for spanning the systems :)

Yes everyone must have a 50 1) they make footage look cool 2)they solve problems in the dark 3) they are cheaper than good coffees.
Well, according to sonyalpharumors, Sony will release a 24-70 f/2. I'm happy to see them push in a less weight-restricted direction. Definitely preferable to a 24-70 f/2.8 IMO.