"North" a lost production

Bryce A

Well-known member

North: A Work In Progress

Well, we've finally got this up, but as a general disclaimer to all those that watch this... it's still in a very, very rough form. The film is basically a work-in-progress due in large part to us filming way too much story for a 6 minute short.

Technical issues such as vfx work, sound and cc are all things we are looking to still finalize and improve, but what you'll see should give you a good idea of our general aim. The narrative structure itself, was revamped to accommodate 6 minutes, so it will be interesting to hear your responses.

So, we're very much appreciative of any feedback anyone has -- it'll help determine the direction we go from here. Thanks and happy viewing!

Posting Legend:
Bryce A: co-director/writer/production design
jojopop: co-director/editor/VFX
danielleus: actor in the role of Older/all around swell guy
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Is Elijah Wood in your movie?


ha. that did come to mind in the naming process. But as you'll see, the movie is in fact Hobbitless (do i need to apologize for that? :huh:). Nor was it directed by Rob Reiner. just turned out that the word summed up the story.
Glad to see you back doing narrative, Bryce. Though, I GUESS you could call "Taillight" a narrative, in a weird sort of way. And the double Whammy of you and Jason? Killer.

P.S. I hear your actors are uber good looking.
Glad you already knew about the Elijah Wood North. There's nothing worse than coming up with an awesome name, and then having someone tell you a movie already used that title.

I do hope that your movie involves Bruce Willis in an Easter Bunny costume.
Whoah! Is there by chance an asian flare...wondering from final letter in North...I am very interested in seeing this work in progress!
Indeed there is. Can't wait for everyone to see and feed us back. Good luck all!! Thanks for stopping by.
hmm... asian flare. kinda like when a studio adds an asian martial arts "babe" into an otherwise lame action flick... or when i have ramen. I think NORTH has a buzz word!
Sweet film. Lighting looked great.

Acting felt real to me. It almost always does though when it's not in English, so I can't comment much on that.

A "room tone" track of audio would have helped. The white noise cuts in and out with the dialogue. Wasn't too noticable though.

Good short.
Rolling and reviewing:

Looks pretty good so far. I like the music for sure. Has a rather epic feeling to it. I am wondering if you did an ADR session on this? The dialog didn't seem to come from the actors at parts.

I am actually really enjoying the feel of it. Though you can hear some white noise come in with the dialog. I'd say an ambient track to cover the fuzz. I am loving all of the shots through the grate thing. It looks great. And at 3:25. That shot looked really cool. No doubt.

Interesting to know where you found the sets for this. And I really liked the 3D work. Actually, the 3D work is fantastic. Very nice.

And such a great concept as well...The more I watch, the more I enjoy it. But the dialog seems to get muffled towards 5:00. Excellent conclusion to the third zip file. :)
Thanks for the feedback guys! I'm very obviously glad you're diggin it.

Audio: Certain sections of the film were done ADR. We had some issues with the white noise/room tone, though others can address that better than I.

VFX: i love those guys

Sets: Built from scratch... and blood.... and sweat.... and tears.... i still bear the scars.