New DVD from Noah on using FCP with the DVX100 Info Here!

Thanks Noah, this looks like something that would help me out a lot. And about upgrading, i know, hopefully soon, but camera first, software later. Thanks again.

UPDATE- we are now shipping DVDs!!! The folks who pre-ordered are going out today and should arrive this week. Orders placed today should ship within a day or two. Enjoy!

Ha- thanks Jason. Got your order this morning while I was still sleeping. :) Your DVD should go out first of next week. We have been upgrading everyone to UPS ground shipping so we can track easier. Please check back in when you have a chance to look at it and tell all your friends.

Will do! Hope to be shooting my first quasi-real short in 3-4 weeks, so this should help. Self-teaching can only get me so far, no matter how much of a geek I may be.
:thumbup: I just placed my order. I have no more excuses. I will make a movie in August. This is the DVD I've been waiting for DV 24p shooting. Call Box, keep making DVD's. I've read some of Noah's stuff online. He's somebody you can trust as much as Barry, Jared, and the other guys. God Bless.:Drogar-Dum(DBG):
Great stuff and as you say "YOU ARE GOLDEN!"... but what was that bit about capturing at 29.9? I forgot already (JOKING!!!)

Also, any specific project or client's work used in the "gently driven over by a car" demo? :)

Two thumbs up on this DVD, very easy to follow, and great for a beginner like myself.
Must Have DVD

Must Have DVD

Barry's book and Noah's dvd are all you need for 24pa shooting on the dvx. Excellent DVD. Basically, information you can spend a long time trying to figure out or you can get it instantly in the DVD. Capturing, creating a 24p dvd, the gear you need is all :Drogar-Thinking(DBG :happy: illustrated with clear animation. You must have it if you are a dvx shooter.
this DVD helps you with issues that you thought you had understood while reading forums and articles, but hearing it from Noah himself- as he always deals with the same issues- and watching it happen before your eyes helps you remember easier next time you're at work. Definitely worth it. a good buy.
ksadani said:
Damn ..

I wish someone would do the smae for DVX/Vegas ...
I was thinking the exact same thing. Totally jealous. I hope this inspires one of the Vegas/DVX Blackbelts out there to do something similar.

Meanwhile, props to Noah for putting this together.
Thanks Noah.

Got my DVD last week. Just what I needed.

I'm a new convert to Apple and FCP because of resources like this DVD.

Thanks Again,
Dave R.
I liked the dvd. There was a lot of good info with out being too teched-out.

One thing threw me for a loop though. Noah says, something like "the special thing" about the DVX and FCP is shooting 24pA.

For some reason, after reading Barry green's book, I was under the impression that there wasn't a whole lot of difference between 24p and 24pa.

After a 100+ hours I've just started to experiment with some 24pA on the dvx.

Overall, with the dvd, I'd say there's bound to be something on there that you were unclear about.