Mark and Ted's Excellent Adventure in Drama


I enjoyed this film. I've been an aviation buff since childhood. I thought some of the composite shots looked funny, but other than that this film was rock solid. Well, one more thing. I didn't like the F word being used so much. I thought this film could be more accessible without it. Don't get me wrong, I'm no prude. I like to say the F word at least 10-15 times a day if I can. I just think it hurt the story if anything and was excessive.

I loved the airplaines, the location, the actors, almost everything was aces.
Hey thanks Aaron. Good points. Funny story about the "F" word. You see, we shot several of those scenes the day before the Air Show opened. In one scene Joy, the Air Boss, is up on the stairs going to the tower and she's shouting "get that Mother F*cking plane down now!!!" Well, for a variety of reasons we had to reshoot and reshoot the scene until I was pulled aside by an airport official who told me we'd better get that "motherf*cking actress down now." We kind of got spanked for our potty mouths and so the next day we decided to shoot the scene where Lacey is arguing with the FAA official over away from the crowd just to be away from the crowd. Now, there wasn't a lot of cussing in the scene but, as luck would have it, our actress improvised a "jack sh*t" in her dialog right when the airport owner drove by in a golf cart. He stopped and read me the riot act and we humbly promised no more f-bombs or anything else during the show. So, I find your observation interesting and worth considering. Certainly the airport management shares your opinion!
And I remember how hard a time Rob had telling "Lacey" to "get the f*ck out of here..."

:grin: :grin: :grin:
Mark Johnson said:
Thanks Brandon. Just got back up North after a long drive and a detour to shoot some footage for a client. My boy turns 12 today and we're going to eat a bunch of stuff his mom wishes we wouldn't and play with his new Nintendo Wii.

Whoohoo! The wii is fun! Tell your son I said Happy Birthday!!
Hey, sorry I missed the birthday wishes for Mark's son, David! Happy belated Birthday!!!

I was out of town performing.

Back to the fest!!!!
Thanks Ted! My boy thinks its way cool that his Dad's friend are all in the movie business. Who am I to correct him? He has also been bugging me to get back to finishing Chow Baby (in which he has a role) so I think I need to listen to him. .... Hot chick....Giant Snake .... 'nuff said!
Mark Johnson said:
Thanks Ted! My boy thinks its way cool that his Dad's friend are all in the movie business. Who am I to correct him? He has also been bugging me to get back to finishing Chow Baby (in which he has a role) so I think I need to listen to him. .... Hot chick....Giant Snake .... 'nuff said!

Do it Mark! And make it have a Spy Theme in it, then you can enter it in Spyfest! :beer:
Aaron Marshall said:

I enjoyed this film. I've been an aviation buff since childhood. I thought some of the composite shots looked funny, but other than that this film was rock solid. Well, one more thing. I didn't like the F word being used so much. I thought this film could be more accessible without it. Don't get me wrong, I'm no prude. I like to say the F word at least 10-15 times a day if I can. I just think it hurt the story if anything and was excessive.

I loved the airplaines, the location, the actors, almost everything was aces.

This reminds me of a guy in high school. Every other word out of his mouth was f F word. His last name was Muxo (sp?) and we used to call him F*ckso Muxo. He drove a 65 mustang which we, affectionately, referred to as the F*ckstang.
It's already a spy theme. The snake is "spying" on the hot chick before he ravages her.. :evil:
hey, that might work. .... Or maybe the chick is a spy .....

hmmmm. maybe I can do a series of split screens showing her brushing her teeth and then the snake brushing its, and then her going to work and the snake going to work .... and then the snake whacking off and .....

I just might win this thing.
This I believe will be a close contest just so many good shorts, including this one .
WEll done . You had me pumped as he was Threading the Needle . I loved when he came down , smoke belowing , shots of the Windmills , Music ,all made this the best part . Man this was well done !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The ony glitch was the crash re -explosion .
Great short Mark !

That means a whole lot to all of us. I am really looking forward to improving the VFX in the next cut. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. That's the best prize we could ever hope for. ....
This reminds me of a guy in high school. Every other word out of his mouth was f F word. His last name was Muxo (sp?) and we used to call him F*ckso Muxo. He drove a 65 mustang which we, affectionately, referred to as the F*ckstang.

Tommy, that is CLASSIC. ... Tarentinoesque quality stuff. Can I use this in a future script???
Mark Johnson said:
Tommy, that is CLASSIC. ... Tarentinoesque quality stuff. Can I use this in a future script???
Come to think of it, that would make a GREAT voice over line.

You can use it as long as you write me in a great part! :beer:

Actually, if you write a killer script, let me take a look at the lead character (Muxo or whomever). Sounds like something I'd really like to sink my teeth into...

EDIT: I should start my own acting thread... :)
Mark Johnson said:
hey, that might work. .... Or maybe the chick is a spy .....

hmmmm. maybe I can do a series of split screens showing her brushing her teeth and then the snake brushing its, and then her going to work and the snake going to work .... and then the snake whacking off and .....

I just might win this thing.

Dude, that is the funniest thing I have read all day. Please don't ever say snake wacking off again. I can't take it.