It is very quiet in here....

I hope that means folks are out shooting films :)

Otherwise... sad... :undecided
Not surprising, really.

The last bunch of festivals here have had an extremely low turnout in comparison to the old days of 60-70 finished entries.

I know, quality of quantity, but still. ;)

But you never know, if any Fest can pull it off, Horrorfest II should bring some people out of the weeds.
Here's hoping.
Ah bummer, find someone with a camera :thumbsup:

I understand though, I was unable to participate for a long time... things just fell nicely into place this time around, and I got a kick in the pants from a friend.
Me thinks DVXUser needs to reach out a little more perhaps. Maybe there are too many former members (or would be new members) spending time elsewhere (like, the vacuum of Facebook, for example?). A shame really, because these contests have always produced some quality results, and good prizes. Like you, I hope I'm wrong and people are out writing and shooting.

Maybe there's another way, a new path, that DVXUser can use to get the word out a bit better? There's plenty of time left.
It seems like some banner ads on other areas of the forum might help. We really could use some new blood, that's for sure. :)
It's ok. This fest is a hold-me-over to get back into the groove a bit after a long hiatus. We're moving to an annual format after this with a live screening.

And, hey... look on the bright side. more kick ass prizes to go around amongst fewer people this time around. Wasn't planning on this being a huge fest anyway. It's been a while, and the whole 3x/yr thing got kind of burnt out.

I'll be posting some more prizes soon as well. Just a bit behind. You guys can always help by promoting the fest within your own channels to try to help make folks aware that we are doing one again :)

Stay tuned for may/june around in there... Some horrorfest entries will get automatic screening at our next live fest during that time, as well.
I have been out of the loop for quite some time. Have the fests been not good? Hell, when I left/fell off there were still tons of entries.
I'd like to say it's because of that in my case, but I'm afraid I'm not in the same league as the actual participants!

"League" has nothing to do with it, my friend. Looking at your work on Vimeo, I'd say you're more than capable of cooking up some scares. :D

Seriously, though… Filmmaking is like anything else. The more you do it, the better you get at it. (We've seen this happen over the course of DVXUser history.) This, more than any other reason, is why more people should enter the Fests. Forget the prizes. Forget the criticisms, good and bad. The best reason to enter is that making films is what makes you a better filmmaker.
"League" has nothing to do with it, my friend. Looking at your work on Vimeo, I'd say you're more than capable of cooking up some scares. :D
The best reason to enter is that making films is what makes you a better filmmaker.

1) You know, I don't trust myself enough to make one in competition along with others. I'm working on a concept with someone I met recently, but I don't know if we'll have enough time to actually make it happen before the end of October!
2) Thanks for the comments. I try to make better from one to the other. I would need more people, dedicated to a specific job (audio & lighting mostly). Then it would make my life much easier, but I'm a one-man-crew on most of the work I'm doing...!
3) You're right. The more you make, being good shots or mistakes, the more you learn from it. But I'm playing safe most of the time. Learning and reading about some stuff. I practice a lot before I actually start to shoot "for real". I wouldn't say I'm afraid not to be good enough (in fact, everyone is kind of somehow) but I want to be sure to make it as best as I can, and as right as it can be done also.

That being said, there's still 2 months to go...I should kick in and start writing something down, then start shooting something. Being good or bad, at least I will have tried something. Thanks for the words of encouragement!
I totally understand where you're coming from, Marc-Alexandre. And hopefully things will fall in place so that you can scare us with some HorrorFest goodness. :D

1) You know, I don't trust myself enough to make one in competition along with others. I'm working on a concept with someone I met recently, but I don't know if we'll have enough time to actually make it happen before the end of October!
2) Thanks for the comments. I try to make better from one to the other. I would need more people, dedicated to a specific job (audio & lighting mostly). Then it would make my life much easier, but I'm a one-man-crew on most of the work I'm doing...!
3) You're right. The more you make, being good shots or mistakes, the more you learn from it. But I'm playing safe most of the time. Learning and reading about some stuff. I practice a lot before I actually start to shoot "for real". I wouldn't say I'm afraid not to be good enough (in fact, everyone is kind of somehow) but I want to be sure to make it as best as I can, and as right as it can be done also.

That being said, there's still 2 months to go...I should kick in and start writing something down, then start shooting something. Being good or bad, at least I will have tried something. Thanks for the words of encouragement!
I echo all of what Stephen said!! Jump in!!
All right! I'll try to push for a script by the end of the order to actually start shooting something!
Currently awaiting for some locations authorizations.
I totally understand where you're coming from, Marc-Alexandre. And hopefully things will fall in place so that you can scare us with some HorrorFest goodness. :D

Time to kick my a** up I bet! Worst case is that I'll make a Uwe Bowl of myself by producing something very crappy. Part of the process!
Stephen couldn't have put it any better! You can do this, no problem....really...have you SEEN any of my films? :huh:
Have fun, make something special, come on in, the water's fine!

Stephen couldn't have put it any better! You can do this, no problem....really...have you SEEN any of my films? :huh:
Have fun, make something special, come on in, the water's fine!

1) Thanks for the encouragement. I'm currently trying to put ideas on paper, in order to know where I'm going..
2) No, where should I start to check?
3) I'll do!