Five months and no posts

I would like to think writing material/content in general hasn't changed much, but screenwriting has likely changed.

I'm sure many are still writing, but many also maybe gave up on their dreams and/or are doing something else because it's not worth trying to pursue a career in the field anymore with how the world has changed in different ways.

Some people could also be using AI to create scripts. Or at least some of the framework.

It's not the same but either is lost the magic it once had in a slower world, IMO.
You're absolutely right. Used to be a tremendous amount of enthusiasm, and I feel blessed to have been a part of the old DVX short film contests. Then, many realized there was little or no money in short films (or features). though they did make for some decent show reels - not that those turned over any new work. Quite a few of my old working mates went on to corporate and wedding videos - or sold all their gear and moved on. Only a few straglers left.

Hard to pin any one cause on it. It's not Covid, as the decline started well before. Wokeism hasn't helped any of the arts, and probably plays a role somewhere in the stagnant mess. Maybe the field was saturated with all of the cheap and quality cameras out there. Over-played the hand.

Seen some interesting work coming out of cell phones, and AI. Thought the Hasselhoff short was pretty fun to watch.

Anyways, still a lot of film getting churned out. Maybe it reverted back to its origins with only a small group in on the whole. And, as one could predict - and with very few exceptions - it all looks about the same. Rehash junk. Derivative slop.

Maybe nothing has really changed at all. Old days also turned out a lot of junk, with just a few gems. Like pulp fiction books - a thousand writers churning out the dime books, but only a handfull knocked it out of the park.

Hopefully it's cyclical, and we'll see a resurgance of talent and enthusisam, and innovation.
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The most popular goal now a days is to become an influencer by creating social media content for podcast, youtube, instagram, Tiktok etc. Writing scripts and producing low budget movie shorts must still exists but the younger generation prefer other forms communication to message boards. Traditional theatrical movies have been supplanted by other forms video and distribution.
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Well it definitely has changed, and in a relatively short time. Not a good or bad thing per sè, as screenwriting (and film) has been in constant flux since the very beginning, with innovations and politics and industry demands pushing and prodding the expectations. There is still some brilliant and near-brilliant writing going on, but it sure seems the low-budget and short film opportunities have all but dimmed into the distant background.

Good writing? Peaky Blinders (Netflix), The Queen’s Gambit (Netflix), Power of the Dogs … and several others I’d list but the critics and I don’t agree J. Some are better performed than written. Anyways, for every great or really good script and its translations into film, the wreckage of bad writing keeps piling up. I won’t name names. Usually the ones with 10%, 20% max on RT. We've all seen them.

Speaking of Peaking Blinders, this character …

… is played by Gaite Jansen,

… who was the lead in my short film ‘Voorbij’, out of Holland, 2013.

I do really miss all of the high energy around short film. Some seriously good stuff came out of the fests here, and others popped up in some of the many film fests that used to be out there. I can’t seem to get a feature done. They get started but never finished, or get stolen, then taken off IMDB after 9 years of legal crap that kept it listed as ‘in post’. Maybe someday I’ll be the proud writer of a good feature film. Someday. I’m old school, and that seems to be an issue nowadays.
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Yeah - I'm still writing. Before covid I was in the middle of rehearsals for a new play I wrote and was shooting an indy feature. But covid made it kind of impossible and had to pull the plug on both projects. Been working on two new novels since then. As ya say - ( novel writing) a different beast altogether. But sure is nice getting to write with no regards to budget :) If I can think I can write it.
Covid has been hard on film, to be sure. I have projects just sitting, waiting for the green light to fire up the cameras. Moved one project from NY to Chicago hoping for better 'freedoms' but nothing's working. Just a waiting game now. I mean, yeah, I'm free to write scripts until the cows sing, but no one is even asking to read anything. Folks want books they can enjoy in lockdowns and whatever.

I think I need to dust off my novel projects just to keep the keys pounding. I got pretty frustrated with novel forums (all take no give) and shopping work around. One publisher / agent bragged that unlike other publisher / agents, they respond to every inquiry. Still waiting 6 month on.

I just don't understand self publishing well enough yet, and it's been hard to find a clear consensus on how to go about it. Lot's of advice avail for a few bucks here and there. Not falling for that one. Saw enough of it over the years in screenwriting, and everyone knew someone in the business and could get your work on the right desks. For a few bucks. Sure.

Okay, novels it is until something breaks.
I hear ya Alex. I wrote 20 spec feature scripts over the years. They now hold up the AC's in my windows. Once HD Video came out I was like I'll make my own films. I wasn't going to knock on anyone's door anymore with my hand out. I will have finished this second novel in the next 2 months and will send them out and see if I get any bites. Good luck with yer projects! :)
Just out of curiosity, I want back to check the date on my last written work. March 2019. Ouch. 'Bout three years, and I used to write two, maybe three features a year, and some wad of shorts. Plus a book. I finally started writing again a few days ago. It wasn't a planned haitus.
Wow....I haven't posted since 2012, just thought I would pop in here for curiosity's sake. I have written nothing in about 10 years, just gradually fell away from it dealing with real life, etc. Not sure why I let it get away from me, I really enjoyed writing for the script fests. I really learned a lot from the other's on the site and I have to say some of the best feedback I received was from Alex, if I recall you were considering a book focused on screenwriting, but judging from your posts, I'd guess it did not come to fruition. That's too bad, you always were helpful in sharing your knowledge on content, formatting, etc. I recently started a short script really just to get my writing kick-started again, not sure it's going anywhere, but I am rediscovering my joy with storytelling. Good luck to all the above with any projects that you're pursuing.
Hey, Russle. I do miss the fests. You guys made somer seriously good short films.

I did write the book (90%), and even had an agent, but the relationship soured, unfortunately. I've been looking for a new one since. Tough field.

Maybe someday (soon) the energy will be sky-high again, and it will be like old times, reinvented.