Envision & RebeccaD Present "Where Silence Falls"

Hey Norm, pretty tight cut but it works. Everything's right to the point i guess. good luck for The Lot.
Thanks, dvpixl, it is VERY to the point ... not what I'd prefer (like the six minute cut better), but thankfully it doesn't lose too much with this cut. Hopefully it does well.
Nice job, Norm! I'm glad Shanna is still in it, too! Sweet job and I like the shortened montages just fine. It works.
there is a new cut?
Where is it?

Norm are you putting your intro attached to the front of your movie for "the lot" or as a seperate movie?

One thing I have learned on the Sundance Channel website, and it happened to disjecta too On the Lot ... send them a 4:3 file. Not Anamorphic. They are not smart enough to make a 4:3 flash movie from an Anamorphic file without squishing people.
It's back a page, but here's the link to the 5 minute cut we're talking about: www.eefilm.com/silence/film/silence-speilbergsubmission.wmv

There's technically another cut for the cast/crew DVD (as well as what I'll have online with the website, once I get it all put together - more to-do's *sigh*), but the only difference from the fest version is greatly improved CC, as well as no opening titles but with credit roll at the end.

Thanks for the heads up on the 4:3 issue ... I noticed that on their website last night, and already took measures to avoid that. So I took the 16:9 footage and simply rendered it out via a 4:3 project setting, so I've now got a 4:3 master AVI with blackbars ... as soon as I get the intro shot (hopefully tonight as tomorrow's the deadline), then I'll put that and the master AVI into the same project & render out a single file for it to all flow together ... or do you think that could cause question as to how much time is for which if I've got black inbetween? I don't want to be DQ'd because someone thought I went 1 second over on the film time limit.
Wow, what a day it's been. I was up 'till nearly 3am this morning doing a quick interview with myself for the 30-45 second introduction the submission required, and FINALLY got everything rendered out, put onto DVD, and sent out in the mail at 5 minutes to 5pm tonight. Okay, that's ONE monkey off my back ... now to tackle the cast/crew DVD that's due tomorrow night for our party.

Since I've not even started the menu, design, etc. ... now seems as good a time as any, lol.

For anyone interested, they can see what I submitted to ON THE LOT at the following:
WMV FILE - www.eefilm.com/silence/onthelot/normsanders-wheresilencefalls.wmv

MOV FILE - www.eefilm.com/silence/onthelot/normsanders-wheresilencefalls.mov

I can't guarantee the interview is great ... I'm nearly embarrassed to even show it, but hopefully they don't judge on that SO much as the film itself. :huh: Oh, and the BUMMER of it is that someone else has my DVX100a, so I didn't have the good camera & mic to film myself with ... so I had to use a cheap $250 camcorder instead, so the sound/picture leaves a LOT to be desired.
Man you looked tired Norm! I sure hope you make it, so I can say, HEY I KNOW THAT GUY! And root for you!

Did Rebecca get that SR DVD yet btw? Let me know, thanks.
Norm, are you saying that your video "plus" intro video is a total of 5 mins?? I thought only the video submission had to be 5 min or less...I sent in a five minute cut of Heritage along with an additional 35 second intro vid...perhaps I'll be DQ'd then. Those rules are kind of confusing...there's a bunch of entries online that have 5 min cuts plus the 30 second intros and then there are some that squeeze everything under 5 min.
Yep, Brandon's correct. It was REAL confusing, but thankfully it's cleared up in the FAQ section on the site. Interestingly enough, one of their videos that's been rated pretty high & watched a LOT (UNWRITTEN LAW) has the intro video that doesn't even make 30 seconds long, and then the actual movie goes nearly 6 minutes. Not sure what that guy was thinking? :huh:

Brandon, I WAS tired ... still am, actually. I went to START on our cast/crew DVD last night, only to find out that the MPEG2 file that was rendered by FCP couldn't be recognized by DVD Architect. So I had to re-render it out last night on this end, unfortunately from an already compressed MOV file ... I had an 3rd party filter on this end as well in the render, so the stinkin' thing took nearly 8 hours to render out, derailing my entire night last night.

It's done, and now I can start laying out the menu, design the cover/disc, etc. and hopefully have at least a dozen or more packaged up in the next 7 hours before the party.

Oh, and I feel like absolute crap ... been pushing myself pretty hard for, well, I've lost count how many days now, and my body's breaking down with a nasty cold. Typical.
Well Norm, that sucks! I hope you can finish everything in time.

I also hope that stinkin' package gets there today.
Thanks Norm! WOuld you mind texting me if she got it or not? You should have my number, if not, a text should appear from it on your phone right ..... now.
Hey thanks, Conrad!

I've finished the layout of the DVD menu. I wasn't able to put in the 'Michael Bay' shot (as seen on the first post of this thread), so I incorporated it into the menu instead & as a transition clip. The end action then leads to the film itself.

Although I'm not coming out of my skin for any of the design stuff, considering I've done it all from scratch in just the last several hours & on a pinch, I feel good enough about it ... and hopefully the Cast/Crew will like it.



DVD MENU (with damaged film filter & random film burns running over footage)
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Thanks, Brandon. Sorry that your DVD didn't arrive in time! Never know, once we're both back from our trips, maybe we can still arrange some kind of gathering ... just not sure how soon.

The cast/crew party went really well last night. Rebecca makes a pretty killer lasagna, and everyone brought something to share, so the food & company was great. I got to the party nearly 45 minutes late myself, as I was still at my house litterally packaging the DVD's hot off the press ... not sure I've ever cut something so close in my life! Actually, I guess I got there nearly 2 hours late, as I THOUGHT the party started at 7, not 6! ... thankfully, others came more around the 7pm time frame as well, lol.

All seemed to be impressed with the final result & enjoyed working together. Since TRINITY RIVER is now going to be pushed back to this summer for production, it opens up the schedule to be able to do SpyFest afterall. I told all who were there about the concept Rebecca & I are coming up with, and everyone seemed eager to do it with us, so I'm super pleased that we'll be able to have most, if not the same exact crew that we had for WHERE SILENCE FALLS.

It's a real nice testiment & feel good moment when people want to work with you again ... let's you know you're doing something right. :beer: