Close Up - written by Daniel Hughes, Directed by Ramon B (hiro)

oh wow I love Davis' look!!!! Keep up with those updates I want to see more!!!

Goodluck and most of all, have fun!!!
Hiro Hiro Hiro.

The man with the neat-o website. I love the image there, and the little hidden DVX on the right side; nice stuff.

The audition/test video posted most recently is actually cool. It looks like something you'd see on MTV. Which isn't a bad thing at all. How are you doing with your lead actress and actors? Have you locked script yet?

I don't think I've ever seen any of your work, so if you get a chance shoot me a PM with some links. I'm scouring your website as of now to try and see something. =D
I think I missed that in the Sci-Fest line-up. You guys are totally .JP.

Do you have a lot of eastern influenced? Anime? One of my personal directorial influences is Tetsuya Nomura.

I like the short. Kudos.
I think I can speak for both of us when I say we both enjoy Eastern mythos/ things.

Glad you enjoyed the short though!
