Total Lunar Eclipse Tonight

I just filmed about 45 seconds and time lapsed it in post.

Shutter was 1/6 on the DVX100B

Lunar Eclipse

I've only got a 150mm on a 6MP camera, so this is a pretty big crop....but here ya go.

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Damn so cold got few pics I'll have to check them out. Was going to bust out the dvx and letus for time laspe but way to cold.
Move out to the country like me and you can still see it and all the stars. Too much light pollution in the city!
Is there any where I can go to get some good lighting kits to light up the sky so I can see the moon without going to a 1/6 shutter on my DVX?

Thanks a lot,

......or the more I pushed the saturation in light room to make it look the way I wanted it to. :laugh:

Plus light pollution and real pollution are not the same thing. I live near Atlanta so I know the air is crap, but I can see clearly at night b/c there are no lights around me.
The total lunar eclipse was met with total obscurity because of the total cloud cover in the total socal area.

Totally pissed,

Luckily it got cold enough to blow away the clouds and I was able to see it. I love living here in the foothills, no city lights to block the view of the moon and stars. Beautiful.
While we were out looking at it, my wife asked if I was cold, because I was in a t-shirt and shorts. I wasn't, really; it's about 58 or so.

She commented that in Bismarck, where her uncle and aunt live, it's -34 without the wind chill.

Literally, a 90-degree difference in temperature between there and here.