Brainstorming a future US$3,000 Samsung cinema camera?


New member
This is a shame because the NX1 and NX500 are best in class for video performance and features, in some ways for stills too. Perhaps Samsung should consider building a professional $3000 cinema camera based around the Super 35mm sensor in the NX1 which plays on their astounding technological strengths

Andrew Reid suggested Samsung should make a cinema camera, and thought that is such a great idea it deserves its own detailed response thus this blog post . (waves to Samsung reps! Hopes they're reading.... one can but hope!)

I don't think it would take much more to get there (well.... it would be a significant sized project for Samsung for sure, but easily well within their grasp to pull off). Because the Samsung NX1 is already such a fantastic video camera! The best at its price point, and arguably the best stills camera for filming with at *any* price point! Even over a year later since the Samsung NX1 was announced. (yes, I'm even including the new Sony A7s mk2 in this comparison! Though what is "best" at this point can at times get to be highly subjective, depending on what you place more or less weight on as being important) Thus we could easily imagine how great a pro version of the NX1 focused on filming (rather than photo stills) could be....

All Samsung need to do is increase the size of the NX1 body the minimum amount needed so it can do this (perhaps C100/C300 shape/size? Although, I'd much much rather have the ergonomics of an FS5/FS7! But even if, g-d forbid, it has the shape of an FS100/FS700 then I'd still be "ok" with that that!):

  1. Make space for dual mSATA slots, perhaps mSATA already in their own simple plastic casing like what Atomos does with SSDs (I think Sound Devices made a good choice going mSATA on their small PIX-E5 recorder, and in a small camera it makes even more sense over the large SSDs). Dual slots are needed so you can write a proxy to the 2nd slot, or just simply if you need the extra bandwidth when doing 6.5K raw at high speed. Can't stick with SD cards, as they won't handle 4K ProRes HQ, which leads me onto my next point....
  2. Add DNxHR / ProRes, whichever licensing of DNxHR or ProRes is easiest for them to get. Though having ProRes HQ would be preferable I suspect over DNxHR (just because ProRes is more commonly recognised by the market, thanks to BMD and others widely using them), plus ProRes 444 or even raw would be dreamy! (but maybe a little unrealistic in a $3k camera?!)
  3. Add two XLR inputs.
  4. Make its HDMI port a full sized HDMI port.
  5. Add two SDI outputs (important to have two, what happens if one breaks? You'll have a nearly useless camera for many people, as SDI is for them *essential*. Plus is very common to run more than one monitor in a production environment, thus got to have two)

I think if Samsung did this (and nothing else, just the five points listed above: mSATA + DNxHR/ProRes + XLR + full HDMI + SDI inputs) for US$3,000 then they'd have a huge huge indy cinema camera hit on their hands! The next DVX100 or 5Dmk2 of our generation??

Even if it came out at US$5k I reckon it could maybe still be rather successful, although it would be up against the URSA Mini 4.6K, Sony FS5, and Canon C100 mk2, all at a similar price point. (plus whatever else comes out in the next 6 months)

For bonus points Samsung could do:

  1. Camera mount: just before, I'm assuming they're sticking with the Samsung NX mount that the NX1 has, and only making the body a little bit bigger. As Andrew mentioned perhaps their mount held back sales of the NX1, maybe this cinema camera should have a different mount? Ideally I'd like to see them use the Sony FZ mount (as this would mark it out as a true cinema camera, able to be used with the best of the best cinema lenses, yet also allowing tremendous flexibility with this mount!), next best choice would be using the Sony E mount, 3rd best is Micro Four Thirds (like the JVC LS300). Branding/marketing/licensing issues mean I expect sadly all of these are out of the question. Thus I feel the best Samsung can realistically do is create their own open cinema mount, which has similar features to the Sony FZ mount. But make it completely open and easy for anybody else to adapt. Thus Samsung will start off by selling their Samsung Cinema Camera with the high prestige PL Mount, but in a blink of an eye we'll see third party manufacturers offering adapters for everything you can possibly imagine (like they do now for the Sony FZ mount!).
  2. High Speed Options: apparently their engineers managed 6.5K 240fps in testing, maybe we could at least get this cinema camera to give us 1080p 240fps or 4K 60fps?
  3. High than 4K resolutions: give us all 6.5K resolution from the sensor!! :-o
  4. Raw: need I say any more? This could hit it out of the park!

What are your thoughts? Write a comment below! Remember, it should be based on the existing underlying NX1 technology (so not too much more R&D is needed for Samsung to get it to market. As even this limited list would take a huge effort on Samsung's part to make happen) or using commonplace readily available tech (such as mSATA, or SDI connections) and hit a US$3k price point or at least not more than a couple thousand over that.
You do know that Samsung is a mass market consumer company don't you? If you took ALL of the cinema grade cameras mae by all of the companies out there for the past five years and handed those sales to Samsung, they would likely shrug it off as far too little to bother with the effort.
Camera sales must be taking their efforts - and the overhead allocations - away from higher priorities. The smartphone sales eclipse a billion units sold mark while the camera sales are heading into an opposite direction. The smartphone cameras (Samsung has their new sensor tech there with Galaxy7, I believe) are getting to the point that only serious hobbyists and pros will need the whole "backpack with two bodies and six pieces of glass" setup. In terms of business strategy, one needs to be in the growing market rather than a declining, let alone a rapidly declining, one.

BTW, following Mitch's post, here are the areas Samsung is involved in - (thanks Wikipedia)

Products - apparel, chemicals, consumer electronics, medical equipment, semiconductors, shipping, telecommunications

Services - advertising, construction, entertainment, financial services, hospitality, information/communication, retail.

Total revenues for the corporate umbrella was $305,000,000,000 in 2014.

PS. As a side note - companies like Canon and Nikon are diversifying quickly too because they see the writing on the wall. It's still imaging industry related but they are now going into medical, security/surveillance, military, automotive, etc.
The current trendy thing is VR so Samsung should produce a golf ball sized consumer VR camera building on the camera tech they use in their cell phones. It would contain 8 4k cameras, integrated image merging, wifi, and of course a YouTube upload button. The perfect gift for those with too much bandwidth.
You do know that Samsung is a mass market consumer company don't you? If you took ALL of the cinema grade cameras mae by all of the companies out there for the past five years and handed those sales to Samsung, they would likely shrug it off as far too little to bother with the effort.

Samsung makes tanks. Is news to me that tanks are mass market consumer items!
This kind of thing is a little silly unless you are very very bored and have a lot of time on your hands.

This forum is full of thousands of posts "brainstorming" features for Nikon, Canon, BMC, Panasonic… unless you have the ear of someone in corporate marketing or R&D, well… I vote for "shoots 6K raw and makes pancakes in the morning".