AC90A, FS700R or A7Sii for Green Screen?


Hi all,

Which camera would be best for green screen work between these 3?
-Panasonic AG AC90A (sharp 1080P, 3 chips, deep DOF)
-Sony NEX FS700R (S35 sensor)
-Sony A7Sii (FF, most shallow DOF)
-Panasonic FZ2500 (1" sensor)

I can use an external recorder for better color depth.
The latter three cameras have bigger sensors, but only 1 vs 3 in the AC90.
The latter three can record 4KUHD.
End delivery would be HD 1080
I'd go with whatever camera you feel most comfortable with. I did some green screen with the fs700 and it was good - but it's all about you getting good exposure and lighting it properly. Have the subject as far away from the screen as possible and light the screen evenly - backlight the subject as well as key. Lighting is everything and I have found post production varies wildly. IN my experience FCPX has been the best 'keyer' - better than photoshop at getting the green screen keyed quickly and well-done without having to be an expert. Avid was/is horrible in comparison. I actually take tale of the tape shots of boxers and key out the photographs in FCPX, and import that into photoshop because it does it so well.

ANyway, #1 is lighting and having the green screen nice and flat as possible - subject a good distance from it. The camera should only matter insofar as your comfort with it.
Whichever one can give you at least 10bit 422. Which the FS700R can do with an Odyssey 7Q or Atomos Shogun. The A7SII cannot (but close using O7Q's UHDtoHD feature). The two Panasonics I don't know what they can record.

So it might depend on what kind of external recorder you have access to?
Thank you both kindly.
Yes I know that lighting it is a big deal and since it's going to be an on-location travel setup that makes it more difficult than in a studio.
I didn't know if shallow DOF was an advantage or disadvantage as well as 1 large sencor vs 3 (small) chips.

The best recorder I have access to is Atomos Shogun Inferno which paired with the FS700R will give 10bit 4:2:2 color I believe whereas I think the others are 8bit.
FS700+7Q would be an order of magnitude better than the others if only for compression. The rest only record to highly compressed interframe codecs which severely reduce certain frequencies of detail and heavy processing.