How many pages before the chainsaw?

AJ Brooks

New member
My current draft is eleven pages and now I have to find a way to cut it down. I typically don't have a problem with overshooting by this much, but my concept was too ellaborate it just begged me for five more pages.

What are your drafts looking like as far as page count goes?

Or maybe you were easily able to fit into six pages the first time around.
My current draft is three lines over 6 pages. I need to revise a little but it shouldn't be a problem.
I think when I did the first draft (and only draft as far as I'm concerned) it came in just a shade over. I cleaned up some action blocks no problem.
Everything is plotted and thought-out before I write, and usually comes out exactly at the page limit, plus or minus a few lines.
Hot guys are good, I thought my story out pretty thoroughly before I touched my computer and then the first draft came in at 10 1/2 pages, I've got it hacked down to six, hopefully it still makes sense.

In the end I'll probably end up having done 3 or 4 drafts and then another to celebrate its completion. :beer: