Samurai has shown me its true value...


New member

I have loaded the very recently released Da Vinci Color Resolve Lite ( free version 8.x) for Windows... (and Mac of course)

Absolutely awesome product to use.

I am very familiar with it from a "client " POV when I take my work to a Resolve Facilty with a colorist..but to use it one self...Blows me away.

Now... to the point..

Thing is does not accept mts and so requires a footage transcode....but...

Best thing loves the source footage ( Prores) from the Samurai.

Outstanding application , amazing price and perfect for the AF100 footage because its HD. The free Lite version is HD and less.

(I am definitely going to be purchasing the full version and build a suite around it for the occasions when I can not or do not require to go out of house for full Colorist and post services.)

Beware ..there is a learning curve involved but its not too steep for basic to intermediate stages. It has power that I know I wil never get near.!
Great news! Is there any chance to grab some Prores footage from the AF100 recorded on the Samurai? Would try it before buying one. Thanks in advance,

are there are any good/free video tutorials for the basics of resolve? Or a quick written guide (not the manual, more to the point for the basic need-to-knows) etc.? Or do I need to pay for training somewhere or trudge through the manual?
I downloaded it (resolve lite win7 64b) a couple days ago and tried an install last night. Lots of hardware issues, seems to want its own GPU card. . .

I'm just about sold on the Samurai, except I'm certain that everyone and their brother will be introducing a clone at NAB, and probably for less.
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Hi Shooter.. some questions for you on this workflow..

You want to say, that daVinchi resolve PC version can play realtime Samurai Prores ??

So, the best workflow would be; make cineform proxy for editing..than switching to original prores for daVinchi CC ??

I have i7 and geforce SCUDA support card, and I had setup daVinchi resolve, but don't have the clue how to start.. ( I can not load the footage in project)..

Would be that configuration enough for PC daVinci, or I need something more..

Many thanks!!

Thanks Shooter. I was going to order one today but was beginning to have second thoughts. Not anymore. It will be here tomorrow.
Just looked into that. Great device! HD Monitor + Recorder .. im in!

Would be interesting to see whats coming at NAB argh!
Hopefully not too far off the mark in asking this question:

What (if any) is the value of the Samurai as an external monitor? They don't talk about that feature much in the brochure... for good reason or no?
My Samurai arrived today - currently we have a shortage of sorts in Germany for the intel 25x SSD's. Anyone having experience with other manufacturers?
@Tipota. All advice I get on SSDs for video record is stick with Intel 360 series.

External Monitor. - I wouldnt use it as a serious external monitor apart from a basic viewfinder / framer. Colleagues have also told me its not so flash in bright conditions.

Color Resolve. - there are tutorials around and they are pretty good. The Manual is easy to read despite being about 500 pages long.
Setting up and getting clips loaded is easy...once you know how. (Find a tutorial on that to save me a full explanation here)

The Configuration Set up for a project is logical and straight foward

Tip: Preferences > set up what volumes you want Resolve to utilise. ( you need to set this, close Resolve and reopen it)

Having a fundamental knowledge off CC and Grading will help. This is a very powerful wee beasty of a thing and has many high end functions.

You will need to understand nodes which is the basis of the CC process... and primary, secondary, masks, qualifier keys, windows to get the best out of this application.

Note: it has many commands that are slightly unique to Resolve. They are great to use but some are slightly hidden inthe first instance.

RTM is a necessary part of learning all this.