Quick GH1 title composite

cool brinks!...that's one thing that i don't get using Sony Vegas...good titling/compisiting....or maybe there's something i'm not thinking of. mind you, i use the cheap Platnum 9. ah well.

what software did you use for this?
Very cool & creative!

Are those real letters (i.e. physcically there in the shot) or an effect (3d program?)? I could see this being a shot with the letters animated IRL, then the cars in the background comped in.

that's one thing that i don't get using Sony Vegas...good titling/compisiting....or maybe there's something i'm not thinking of.

I think you could do something like that with Vegas.
It may be more difficult (or may not... I dunno), but I think you could do it.
The text was added in After Effects. I then added a camera in AE that matched as close as possible to the GH1 to give it the feel as if the text was in the shot
Are the shadows of the COLLECTIVE calculated - as in you add in a light source and AE adds in the appropriate shadows - or did you add it as a blurred layer?
There are lights added to the scene in after effects. The shadows from both words are created from that.