*BLEEPING* Backfocus issues...


New member
I had lent my Letus Extreme and XH A1 to a friend while i have been unable to work and basically go anywhere, and as a courtesy he decided to clean the Letus for me. He did a great job, granted, got some greasy stain off the GG, but in the process removed and reinserted the GG... TOTALLY blowing the backfocus.

...i could KILL him. ive spent all damn bloody day trying to fix the backfocus; and the little rubber pegs keep popping out when i adjust them in and out, plus i cant seem to get infinity focused properly on my 28mm FD lens, no matter what.

ive been trying to fix the backfocus by adjusting the rubber pegs mounted to the GG, because the stock backfocus adjuster has never been messed with. been using a Manhattan LCD 8.9" because now its night, in a very large room (80+ feet long, long enough to use infinity focus) and STILL cant seem to nail it, even using the zoom/focus on my XH A1 and the 1:1 pixel ratio on the Manhattan, which results in a zoom ratio of 1.5:1. My GG focus on the XH A1 is perfect, and im trying to focus infinity wide open on both the XH A1 and FD prime, so any softness is VERY apparent.

Any tips? i think tomorrow i will try to correct the backfocus by shooting and adjusting the XH A1/Letus rig while tethered to my massive and ancient 32" CRT 1080i HDTV, because the XH A1 suffers from what i call 'jumpy pixels' ie a form of noise, that is made manifest on the Manhattan (which we only use to pull focus anyways; all noise reduction is done in post). With the HD CRT, i can see perfectly crisp images, no jumpy pixels which it seems LCD's exacerbate, and is much easier to pull focus with it because the picture is much more crisp and free of noise, and no slow LCD response times, which results in motion blur and more jumpy pixels.

Our office is on very slow internet connection, 1Gbit down 128Kbit up (HA and you thought YOUR internet was slow!) so i cant post full res clips, but i do have one sized down video, is for iPhone 3G/3Gs and for a brief demo, shot with XH A1, Letus extreme, and FD 28mm f2.8 today; this was the BEST i could get the backfocus corrected; look at the leaves when focus is at infinity... TERRIBLE softness. Looks as if the trojan man attacked my camera with KY jelly... Trust me it looks worse in HD, but medium and short focus is perfectly sharp.

Video is best viewed at 240P or on a mobile device as it is closer to its native resolution.


Any tips or help are GREATLY appreciated. The other 2 videos in my profile were shot sans the Letus so they are of no comparison or use. I will try to post more short clips tomorrow at same resolution and same lens, after corrections are attempted again.

I need this thing fully operational for a track shoot by friday, so is important i have it set correctly. again i am trying to focus infinity correctly, GG focus is perfect, on my widest lens, at widest aperture, both 35mm and camera.

Thanks for any help!
What about sending it back to Letus? Whats the down time and cost doing that? Maybe worth it if when it comes back it professionally cleaned and fixed to new like conditions.
When my Letus arrived, the back focus was off (in the GG, not just the mount). I takes some time, but proper adjustments can be made without needing to send back to Letus. However, if you do send it back, they are pretty good about not charging for simple service like this.

The key in adjustment is to make sure that you get infinity on your lens to be sharp exactly at the infinity marking. Here are the instructions straight from HEIN:

1. Open the front tube by removing the 4 screws
2. Carefully remove the tube from the adapter
3. Carefully, and evenly pull the 3 posts out about 0.2mm. Put the tube back and recheck your infinity.
4. If still cannot get infinity at all, repeat step 1-3. If you over pull it, you'll get infinity at about 10m. In that case, push it back in a little.

No need for a micrometer, as the distance and tolorances on each Letus vary enough to negate a 'standard' measurement.

By the way - backfocus issues seem to be worse on wider lenses. My original problem was so bad, that infinity was at 15' on a 24mm lens.
