Logos for DVD sleeves


I found a huge DVD logo but I can't find a high rez Dolby Digital logo. Could you guys point me to some of the more important pieces I should have for DVD box sleeve design?

Just FYI, you need authorisation to use the DVD logo on your DVDs. And I'd imagine the Dolby logo as well...
no problem Jdajda!

really? thanks Dodo

now that's dumb but I guess it is a copyrighted logo as well... I just think that there should be some sort of freakin' government organization to regulate broadcast formats and own this sort of thing and what not but that's coming from someone that hasn't thought about it all that much yet... so I am sure there is a reason... just hope it is a good one...

But hey the font kicks ass! check this out:

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now that's dumb but I guess it is a copyrighted logo as well... I just think that there should be some sort of freakin' government organization to regulate broadcast formats and own this sort of thing and what not but that's coming from someone that hasn't thought about it all that much yet... so I am sure there is a reason... just hope it is a good one...


Well, there are a number of reasons, and I'm sure licensing fees have a lot to do with it... but the DVD Video logo also means something - that is, that the DVD is manufactured a certain way (replicated) and guaranteed to be compatible with any DVD player that bears the DVD video logo. This is a false promise if you're really distributing DVD-Rs, etc. So part of the authorization is to make sure that consumers can trust the logo when they see it. If you are replicating discs at a certified manufacturer, then you may be entitled to use the logo - talk to the replicator!
humm... well I won't be distrubuting by any means other than "here, have one" :hand extends with DVD case:

so I guess I can fly under the radar :D

bseng, glad to be of help!
Dodo and Ullanta are correct. The DVD Forum licenses the logo to qualified facilities (replicators), last time I checked the license fee was around $10,000 USD. To address the needs of users creating DVD-R's a new logo was created a few years back. Unfortunately I've lost track of the logo - it's out there somewhere. I never used it because it was flat out fugly.
LOL... then forget about it... I am trying to keep this case from being fugly all too hard to ruin it again, hahaha! But now I have to see that! LOL! I am really curious now!

I know that merely copying it without permission is probably wrong, but I will be putting it on there merely for aesthetic purposes... there will be only a few copies made and they will only be gifted to people we know. IF we were to make it into a festival and for some weird reason we ended up selling a few copes then I would most likely take off the logos for those.
I don't know if it's official, but a compromise of sorts is to replace the word "Video" in the DVD logo with the word "Recordable" (easiest in the DVD logo where "Video" is below the oval, not in it!)... most people will never notice the difference, but they're sorta warned. It'll still have to be "under the radar", but you may sleep better at night. Or not!

Or even simpler, maybe this DVD-R logo: http://www.ricoh.com/drive/asia/support/faq/media/img/logo.gif
thanks for the link milk

ullanta, I see, add a little R to "disclaim" could help you sleep better

all things to keep in mind, thanks guys