GH2 with 14-140mm Rock Climbing Short


New member
I shot this a few weeks ago. This was the first time I had used the GH2. In fact, it only arrived the day I was leaving so I very much learned through making error's.

I learned about the blue banding not from reading these forums like a wise man, but by looking at my footage and saying "what the **** is that?". Had I been a wise man I might have been able to avoid it. I also found there to be a LOT of noise in the shadows of high contrast scenes. It might not be noticeable on the youtube version, but there is a section of climbing (route called Airdrawn Dagger) which had sunshine shining on the right side of the scene and shadow on the left. In the shadow there was a lot of noise and in the original footage is was random shades of red/blue too, noisily moving around in the shadows...

I welcome criticism. It only makes me better! Enjoy!

ps. not all shots are from a GH2. Some long shots are from an HV20 and a NEX-5.
I have two comments. The audio that you recorded the voice over on was not that great. The shots though that you took where stunning. Also what was the song you were playing in the background?
I'll confess I did everything in the video, except the voiceover audio at the beginning and in the middle. !!! That was recorded by my friend James on his Canon s95 with internal mic and then emailed to me... It's terrible, I know. Other audio was captured with Rode Videomic.

The song in the background is by Only Children and you can get it here FOR FREE;

Thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated.
Really enjoyed this and some great audio and flow with everything. Just didn't think the music matched your editing pace especially when you held it on some really long shots. Seemed to need to be cut with more vigor when the music is driving like that. Just my .02
great work, I enjoyed the shots, but agree with the music was not a good choice. I actually found it to be annoying. If you rescore this piece it will be nothing short of stunning. The music is the only thing holding it back.
Thanks very much for the feedback. You guys (girls?) are picking up some very interesting points... first the voiceover audio being crap (and also not being anything to do with me) and now the music... which also has a story behind it. This short wasn't meant to go with the music you heard. I edited it to a Miike Snow track and it worked (I thought!) really well. The problem came when I tried to get a license to use the particular Miike Snow track. The North Face wanted to publish the video very quickly and getting the music rights would have taken at least a couple of weeks... so whilst I was all for waiting, TNF were not. So, in 12 hours I had to find some other music, license it, edit it, and send it to them.

I would post up the version with original music but I don't have the music license so I guess you'll have to trust me that it was better! ha ha. I do think it's fascinating that you picked up on these weaknesses in the edit...

I'm going to do a longer edit for film festivals... for which I'll be using the Miike Snow track and hopefully once it's cleared I can post it online.

Welcome to the forums

I too agree that the VO in the intro was a little weak.

I think you had some really nice shots in there, and the edit was good– nothing amazing, but nothing bad.

As a climber myself, I feel like I understand the climber mentality a little bit, and also the kind of mental grooves a climber can get into, and therefore the music worked for me and I liked it. Saying that, if you wanted this video to appeal to the non-climber and really score some points for drama, then a different music piece might be in order. IMO that's what the music choice will depend on– your audience and how you want them to feel.

What did you do to have TNF interested in publishing it? Do you work for them or do they sponsor James or something?
Welcome to the forums

I too agree that the VO in the intro was a little weak.

I think you had some really nice shots in there, and the edit was good– nothing amazing, but nothing bad.

As a climber myself, I feel like I understand the climber mentality a little bit, and also the kind of mental grooves a climber can get into, and therefore the music worked for me and I liked it. Saying that, if you wanted this video to appeal to the non-climber and really score some points for drama, then a different music piece might be in order. IMO that's what the music choice will depend on– your audience and how you want them to feel.

What did you do to have TNF interested in publishing it? Do you work for them or do they sponsor James or something?

James is sponsored by TNF and is also a very good friend of mine, so they asked me to do this little film for them. Thanks for your thoughts regarding the music in relation to the audience. I guess it's something I didn't consider, but it could be used to make it more dramatic. I'm not really a fan of over dramatising it though... I like to portray it as a guy just having fun doing what he loves... even though he happens to be one of the best in the world!

Perhaps I could PM you with a link to the longer edit when it's done, as I'm always eager to get critical feedback.

You have a lot of jump cuts, IMHO its a little unnerving. i don't know if its what you were going for.

Other than that and the mentioned audio problem its really nicely done. Did you do any color corrections?
