use Lowell lights in Europe?


Well-known member
I am going to do some shooting in London and my question is:
can I take my Lowell KIT (3 pro lights) to Europe?
I cant find power requirements on B&H store so dont know if my Lowell kit wil actually work there?

I definetely can take my sony monitor cos it says that power requirements are: 100 to 240 Volts AC, 50/60 Hz - so all I need is a UK end which I will (?) probably get in Radioshock.

But still dont know about the Lowell lights...

Thanks for help,
Re: use Lowell lights in Europe?

ok, so all I need is 240V bulbs? but does it mean that with those 240 V bulbs lowell lights bought in usa will work in london?
Re: use Lowell lights in Europe?

I have two Pro Lights. I am living in Spain (Europe... I think) and I have 240 v. 230 w. lamps, and no problem, works very well.
good lucky
Re: use Lowell lights in Europe?

And power cords. Lowel makes them (or supplies them) too.

Is GB on 240V? AFAIK, the rest of Europe is on 220, which made my 240 bulbs run a little cooler, giving them a little warmer color. I sort of liked it.
onRe: use Lowell lights in Europe?

onRe: use Lowell lights in Europe?

Just a thought, but rather than buy adapters, new bulbs, leads etc. Why not just hire a kit for the shoot? It's one less thing to drag around the airport, pay excess baggage on deal with customs & security clearances, transport etc.
I don't know what the hire cost of a kit in London is, but here you pay ~$50 pr day.

