Common sense would tell me it's one thing to film on a public street with people are walking by and quite another to film an interview of someone then use it for commercial purposes like stock footage without their written approval. Even if you don't get caught or sued or it's "legal" it's in my opinion morally dubious.
Sure here we have a blur between me shooting stock and also getting pulled into daily news.
But have a look at this clip.. ill try the link
Its on getty, its available as stock.. noted as '
Not released. More information..
Did they sign a form.. im sure not
Is this morraly dubious? I dunno.. the person wants to get thier voice/pov heard
Is the legal - I guess
Will the shooter get .. sued .. I doubt it
Now if this becomes part of an Exxon or Microsoft advert.. could they be sued?.. probalby
If she is on the news as described as 'a member of the loony fringe' or even 'an eco terrorist' or just 'a terrorist' could the news broacaster be sued*? probably.
What about if the broadcaster says she is from an organisation Donald Trump described as 'terrorists'.. now we are above my paygrade!
As I noted Im going for osmo bodycam so I will record me clearly saying 'can we chat on camera the image may appear on xxx website' It is not my intention to steal clips.
Did Harvey Oswald sign a release? Is his image on Getty?
*here we see why the writer and producer have to study more law.. because it is the publication and the description that cause the trouble. Its hard to take an illgal photo as minly photos represent 'truth' unless manipulated.
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