RF EYE-D -- Aram Bauman and MsManhattan

Just wanted to throw in my .02 and say that I enjoyed the hell out of this. The wide "beam" shot was killer-cool. I haven't voted yet, but this film will be somewhere in my top 3 for sure.

Great work!
Thanks, guys -- we really appreciate it! JP, please, nick away -- we're flattered. And Kaz, it means a lot to hear you say that because your SciFest film was one of our top picks as well. Good to see you on the board, BTW.
JimtheJib said:
i was just watching the short again and i realized how it could make more sense, for me atleast. if you started with the lady talking to the one and then proceeded to the shot where the girl sees the tatoo , it would have worked better i think. Then you could have gone on to the fight scene and the audience would realize the one was fighting to free this society.

What do you think? i don't mean to be too critical.


Alex, I just realized I never replied to your post. I think this is a totally valid suggestion and something I'll definitely think about when we expand the story. You are in no way too critical -- thanks for the idea!
MsManhattan said:
Good to see you on the board, BTW.

Thanks, Ms. It's been crazy in Kazland lately, but I couldn't resist the fest.

Can't wait to show this one to my bro. He and I LOVE anything with a big brother theme. Oh, and just want to add that the final shot of your boy launching toward the camera made me giddy as a schoolgirl. THAT is how you end a superhero flick!

All the best.
Aram & MsManhattan, great job. My only question: what happened to all the poor folks on the street when that massive statue fell down off the top of the building? :)

I liked the story, and loved the FX of the sword coming out of the hero's arm & then back in again. Great job on that. Also nice work on the particle blast (same wide shot that's in the banner).

I also liked a lot how you guys established the ID thing in the beginning in the mall ... nice throughout.
Envision said:
Aram & MsManhattan, great job. My only question: what happened to all the poor folks on the street when that massive statue fell down off the top of the building? :)

HA!! Man, I was wondering the same thing! They are pretty much funct eh? Unless he uses his super poop stance to save them from all the debris too?

Regardless, the scenes is so powerful that you try to look beyond the potential tradegy.

Hey guys, thanks for your comments. Good point you have made... I think that arose from a difference between how the screenwriter saw the scene in her head and how the SFX artist implemented it... When I wrote it I had seen the monolith being a towering thing on the edge of town. I think Aram saw it as being part of the skyline and when he implemented it that way, I didn't think it all the way through. Since he had let me have script control, I pretty much gave him free range on the fX; moving forward on this project we see that that there needs to be as much collaboration in post as in in production and have already talked about changing the workflow... Anyway, thanks for pointing that out. Serves as a good reminder.
super poop stance...LOL
yeah what happened is that his pants split right before he was going to save them. Thats why he flys off so fast at the end to get the hell out of there before anyone finds out it was him. ;)
Loved this. I thought it was a great idea, especially since there are those that are trying to actually implement this type of devices. Very nice VFX also. I was very impressed.
Cryogenic Filmworks said:
Loved this. I thought it was a great idea, especially since there are those that are trying to actually implement this type of devices. Very nice VFX also. I was very impressed.

Yes, there is a lot of this going around and this may not be so far fetched. We have a few interesting links on RFID tags in people that inspired the idea of a totalitarian state. "Drive right through the tolls, never loose your children".
They get us to implement these devices by cloaking them in convenience or safety.
Aram Bauman said:
"Drive right through the tolls, never loose your children".
They get us to implement these devices by cloaking them in convenience or safety.

And just this morning one of the top local new stories was about how NYC will not be able to put surveillance cameras in the financial district because of Homeland Security budget cuts. The way the city is framing the story -- "Oh, that terrible Homeland Security department is forsaking our great metropolis" -- is designed (IMO) to get people to feel deprived and unsafe so then they will lobby for the funds to actually get the surveillance cameras put in. And for good measure, City Hall points out that one of these comprehensive surveillance systems was implemented in London after the subway bombings there... Well, to me, even in the age of terrorism you have to remember the constitution, which says, basicaly, that you don't subject the masses to unnecessary government interference with privacy based on the bad actions of the minority. But, just wait and see -- those cameras will be everywhere...

BTW, Aram, great use of the word "cloaking." :love4:
I just realized I hadn't commented on this film yet...sorry about that, it was a fantastic piece and I really enjoyed it.

I won't point out the "gaffes" since everything I spotted has already been addressed at least once.

The story was really good and would have made a great sci-fi entry also. I love big brother, future prophecy type stories....and this one was really good.

As everyone has said, the FX really stand out...great job. In particular I like the statue crumbling into a pile at the end of the film, it looked just like when you watch those building be flattened right in the middle of town. You know, they set all the charges in strategic locations and it collapses on itself. Anyway, looked great.

The "drive right through the tolls" comment is interesting because here in California, at least in the central region surrounding San Francisco all the toll bridges have a "FasTrak" lane. The FasTrak is a small box you rent from the state and you pre-load it with money. Then you just "drive through" the FasTrak lane and not stop to give cash to the toll taker. The "arfid" can't be that far behind :)

My favorite shot of the whole film was the "church" scene with the light streaming in the windows...when I saw your before/after in an earlier post I was blown away....WOW! I can't even fathom how to do that, and it was so well executed.

Good job guys!!
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Thanks Larry.
We have EZpass here that works the same way. Just drive right through and when it doesnt go off you get a ticket in the mail for not paying.
Of course they can see exactly where you are going if they wanted to. Im not sure but I think in Jersey you can get speeding tickets if you make it to the next toll before a certain amount of time.
Here is a bunch of rough cuts without some of the effects. I have a cameo in them too. :)


Yea, if we roll through without the device it is $29 (the regular toll is $3)....the worst part is, if you are just an occasional driver (don't have the quick pay device) and you roll up and say you don't have any money, they make you go through which triggers the "no pay" and you get a ticket for $29.

Cool, I'll check out the clips....just checked them out, pretty cool. There were a lot of creases/wrinkles in your green screen. Didn't that make it harder to pull a key?
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Yeah, the new thing too is now you cant use them in any other cars and they have to be stuck to the window. I used to just hold it up but last time I did that the guy yelled at me to stick it to the glass, it cant move. I used to have just one but now i have to have a few for each car. WTF!!!
Larry R said:
The "drive right through the tolls" comment is interesting because here in California, at least in the central region surrounding San Francisco all the toll bridges have a "Fast Pass" lane. The Fast Pass is a small box you rent from the state and you pre-load it with money. Then you just "drive through" the fast pass lane and not stop to give cash to the toll taker. The "arfid" can't be that far behind :)

I'm so glad you made the connection between the mother's line and the Fast Pass lane. I don't know about the California system, but the EZPass system on the East Coast does, in fact, use radio-frequency technology to capture the signal from the EZPass device in your car. All the major retailers are implementing RFID tags in retail items; shipping companies are using them to a limited degree; and pharmaceuticals manufacturers are using them now to track shipments of the most often counterfeited prescription drugs (eg, Viagra and others). And the last numbers I saw on human implantation were around 1,500 people implanted. Voluntarily. The most devastating news I've read -- this was after I finished the script -- was that a security company in Ohio was going to require its employees to be implanted "for security reasons." They'll have to have the chip for building access...

So, Larry, it's here -- but don't get used to it!

I wanted the story to be about a technology that was already in place, but taken to the extreme -- like in RoboCop. The tech in that movie looks like child's play now, but when that movie came out (85 or 86???), it was pretty wild. But what was cool was that each piece of the tech was already in existence -- the filmmaker just put it all together in a way that wasn't being done in the everyday-world yet because the tech at that time was WAY too expensive. Of course, now popping a 3.5-inch DVD into a player is nothing -- but in RoboCop, that was the sh!ts.

Anyway, thanks for your comments!
Leslie..... some day can i have my very own 25' tall robotic combat droid that will have my spine and brain implanted into it....... with rotating barrel machine guns....

Yea ..... and a DVX on each arm.........