Panasonic Has Quick Fix For P2 Beeping In The Hvx200


Sorry for multiple posts, but I just want to say up front loud and clear that Panasonic has a fix for anyone experiencing the "P2 Beep" issue. I just got my camera back; the process seesm to take 1-2 days for most people.

Contact information regarding tghis is here:

Many thanks to Panasonic for handling this so quickly, effectively, and generously!
Here is Jan's comment - just to keep this all in one place:


We have been analyzing the problem and those of you that are experiencing the problem should contact Please include your serial number, name of your dealer, your physical location, i. e. LA, NYC, or where ever and all contact info. (This helps to determine where to send your camera, Secaucus or LA.) They will tell you where to send your camera.

I hope this helps,


PS. This is for the HVX200s right now, the 500 is still under study, sorry.
Very pleased! Perhaps being redundant, I'll say that I haven't had a chance to do extensive testing or comparison yet, but my initial impression is that more than just the beeping being gone, the whole sound of the preamp is a little cleaner/quieter.

I didn't get a thorough answer about what the repair consists of, but from what I could wheedle out, it seems like what I expected - a little electrical cleanup via a few basic electronic components (capacitors were most frequently mentioned) and maybe a little re-routing.
HVX Audio Beep Repari

HVX Audio Beep Repari

Hi all,

Just reporting back on the progress since we started a discussion on the following thread which is now closed but still posted.

Thanks Jan for sharing the information on how to get the problem fixed. Top-notch service from Panasonic in handling this issue. A two day turnaround and a camera that no longer beeps. I discussed the fix with the Panasonic engineer in New Jersey who didn't offer much about the exact nature of the fix, but it is a hardware procedure.

Our HVX will be getting a workout in the next couple of weeks. I'll report back if anything else changes, but for the moment everything is fine.
I just wanted to chime in and to let everyone know that I got my camera back and all appears well. I'll be shooting with it next weekend but my preliminary tests seem to indicate all is well.

Thanks to Panasonic for standing behind your product, it's much appreciated.
I don't notice any beeping issue that I can detect on my HVX's. But...

Having read through several of these threads, I'm a bit worried. Is this an out-of-the-factory defect that you either have, or you don't? Or it is something that may fail at any time? No one has ever posted exactly what the cause of the problem is (other than some hardware that only Panasonic can fix). Also, has it been confirmed or denied that the issue only exists with certain sizes of P2 cards?

I guess what I'm getting at is: does everyone need to send in their camera to have this mystery part fixed in order to keep the beeping problem from occurring in the future, or are we safe if we haven't experienced it?

I'd hate for this to turn out to be another battery-tab issue that could crop up at a critical time in the future unexpectedly.
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I wouldn't send the camera in to Panasonic if it functions correctly. The units that have a problem came from the factory with the beep issue.
If it works, don't mess with it.
Are there any good test to isolate the sound and see if the camera has this problem? I remember ullanta (if I recall correctly) had a test but I can't seem to locate it.

I must say I haven't noticed it yet but I would hate for it to pop up later down the line at a critical time.
Is this an out-of-the-factory defect that you either have, or you don't?
Or it is something that may fail at any time?

Also, has it been confirmed or denied that the issue only exists with certain sizes of P2 cards?

Just wanted to see if anyone has come up with the answers to these questions. I'm probably just being paranoid, but I really want to feel sure that neither of my units will develop this problem down the line, especially since one of them only has a few months of warranty left.

Also, I won't worry too much about the issue if it only happens with certain card sizes, as I'd just stick with the 4gb cards I use now rather than buying larger ones.
Both of mine have the problem, one is in for for the mod. It only appears when using the 16 Gig cards. It can be avoided by recording using only the lower slot a s a workaround.
Well I went ahead and ordered two 16gb cards from Spec-Comm (amazingly quick shipping, by the way...paid for regular UPS ground, and had it in three days!).

Fortunately for me, I was unable to detect any beeping in either of my two HVX's after a half hour of testing with both 16gb cards, in both slots in each unit. So I think I'm out of the woods.

I'd still like to know the true cause of this problem, and if there's a chance of it showing up in the future.
i contacted panasonic a week ago about a possible fix for my camera, no reply. i live in canada, does this have anything to do with it? i'm not very pleased.
Has there been any word from Panasonic as to if this issue could pop up in the HVX200a, or has it been fixed from the factory with the new model?
Has there been any word from Panasonic as to if this issue could pop up in the HVX200a, or has it been fixed from the factory with the new model?
I'll ask, but I can't see how it wouldn't be fixed in all new models... that would be kind of odd, to have a fix for a rare but known issue, but not implement it across the new model line...
I have the 200A but I am not going to worry about nor should anyone who uses their HVX for critical applications. The HVX and the cameras in it's class are not designed to record quality sound so if you are on a shoot that is not MOS and where the content is important to the client, there should be a sound mixer. Sound is their job, not the camera department's job!

Has there been any word from Panasonic as to if this issue could pop up in the HVX200a, or has it been fixed from the factory with the new model?
I have the 200A but I am not going to worry about nor should anyone who uses their HVX for critical applications. The HVX and the cameras in it's class are not designed to record quality sound so if you are on a shoot that is not MOS and where the content is important to the client, there should be a sound mixer. Sound is their job, not the camera department's job!

There not talking about whose job it is...they are talking about an issue with the camera.

Regardless whose job it is...the camera should be able to record quality sound.

Think about it.....
Hey guys,
I have an odd question. All opinions on gray/aftermarket cameras notwithstanding, I am curious if anyone with a grey market camera has had any experience of getting this issue repaired by Panasonic before. If there is anyone how much did it cost?

I, obviously, have a grey market camera and took it in today. I am curious if anyone can explain if they even had to pay for it or if panasonic repaired it for free even though it was grey market. It seems like the problem is just inherent in all hvx-200's so I feel like it should be one of those "our bad we'll fix it for you" things but at Panasonic I was told I would have to pay.

Thanks in advance for the help.