Los Angeles DVX group meeting

Re: Los Angeles DVX group meeting

If there is none, we should start one.
Hell, I'd go... anyone else in?
Re: Los Angeles DVX group meeting

I'm in Sherman Oaks and would definately go to meetings, but I'm not really the person to coordinate the thing.

Re: Los Angeles DVX group meeting

i'm in burbank for now. i'd go. what exactly would happen at these meetings? would it be a group of like-minded indie videomakers pooling together their resources to help produce each other's work? that'd be pretty awesome. everyone comes to the group with a proposal, budget, script, whatever and then you would all work together to make them happen.
Re: Los Angeles DVX group meeting

mmm maybe i should start a seperate section for DVX meetings.
Re: Los Angeles DVX group meeting

[quote author=Jarred Land link=board=nws;num=1106014125;start=0#6 date=01/18/05 at 19:08:16]mmm maybe i should start a seperate section for DVX meetings.[/quote]

That might be cool, then maybe more of us would try and work out some get togethers, might be worth a try.


Re: Los Angeles DVX group meeting

The Mighty Rush and myself have been discussing this very concept recently.

Rest assured, plans are being made.

Stay tuned.

Tommy Mack

PS: You know how strange it is when you say "Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel" to anyone under 25 and they give you a dumb look?
Re: Los Angeles DVX group meeting

wow. not to jump the gun but an EVS sponsored LA based user group would rock. what exactly happens at user group meetings. i've never been part of one.
Re: Los Angeles DVX group meeting

they have cool raffles giving away dvx100a's, follow focus gear, matteboxes, and other cool gear. and all for a $1 donation. ;D let's keep this meeting limited to 10 people. :p rush, you rock! tommy mack, well...your name says it all...:p

[quote author=michaelcorvin link=board=nws;num=1106014125;start=0#13 date=01/19/05 at 16:39:19]wow.  not to jump the gun but an EVS sponsored LA based user group would rock.  what exactly happens at user group meetings.  i've never been part of one.
Re: Los Angeles DVX group meeting

Whoever puts it together, try to make it for a weekend day so us working stiffs can go.