Lights in King Kong and Lord of The Rings

casey warren

Active member
In a great deal of behind-the-scenes footage from both these films, I noticed that when they are in a studio they have these rows of huge cylinder lights that they use to get ambient lighting thought the set. My question is, what kind of lights are these?
Those would be called UFO's

Providing ambient light in the set are units the filmmakers dubbed “UFOs,” comprising 200 to 400 Par cans that were dimmed in groups to limit the number of cable runs, keeping cable weight to a minimum.

They are called "Space Lights" Typically, they are a round fixture with outlets for 6-1k bulbs. Basically, a 6k light. The bulbs point straight down, and the shirt(on a ring) attaches to the top fixture. The bottom panel attaches almost the same at the bottom. I have seen another version...custom made, that slips on like a pillow case and attaches to the top unit. I have seen the same set up with 4 bulbs as well. Bulbs are similar to those found in "work" shop lights.
My mistake,, but the unit's I described are often used on sets, especially for large set ups....dee, dee ,dee..(Quoting Carlos Mencia) Their unit's are/were considerably larger than normal..
Thanks for the link John.... condor basket with plants was an interesting approach to cut up the sun....
Darn. That link should say "Spoiler alert!"... Havent watched KingKong, and now probably wont be much point eiether, except ofcourse from a filmmakers POV :)