Hybrid shooters - S1H OLPF impact on critical sharpness for photos


Well-known member
Anyone have opinions on this? Except for AF & the OLPF, the S1H is my dream hybrid camera. For the video side it is near ideal, but for photography those two are really what's kept me from springing for one this year (even used) so far. I am considering a used S1 as a stopgap that get's me the best compromise on what I want/value of money spent.

I ruled out the S5 because of the EVF. I don't want a gimped EVF & already have a rigged up sigma FP with monitor that works for a lot of my video already.

Only 1 lens deep on the L-mount (Panasonic 24-105 f4) & everything else is legacy stills purchases, Nikon F. With the synchronized releases there isn't another FF strong alternative offering to consider this year (I think), but I would rather spend 1700 on a used S1 than 3000 on a used S1H and wait for an S2H next year that gets some reasonably competitive AF & bump in MPX approved by the heads of the cartel.

My stills needs are kind of eccentric in that the sensor shift/hi-res mode covers a lot of what I still do (landscape & micro). Would that negate the reduction in sharpness?
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This ones been sitting here awhile, so I'm certain you've found your answer by now. The short answer is, yes, the S1H is a hybrid video / stills camera however it's stills would lack considerably in sharpness as compared to an S1 due to the OLPF. The OLPF is there foe video. SO if you think of it in these terms.

S1R - Photo 90% - Video 10%
S1- Photo 50% - Video 50%
S1H - Photo 10% - Video 90%

You'll note how high I've put the percentage on the S1H, because with the OLPF, it pushes it hard into that. There are a number of other factors impacting these percentages, but this isn't an essay.
I got the s1h & it has been overall a really great system. I would love an S1 to get maximum sharpness for situations that justify it. I sorely wish I had the resolution of the s1r for stills. I'd imagine the s2h will get their variation of the 33mpx sensor debuting in the a7iv. Hopefully they omit the OLPF altogether, although I guess that might be mandatory to meet a production standards such as netflix cetification (?)

I tried the high res sensor shift function with the s1h & I think it does partially make up for the softness from the OLPF for landscapes & moderate distance shots (this was mostly with a sigma 14-24mm 2.8). Unfortunately even with it on, the filter wipes out the finest details for microphotography, but that was expected
I think the s1 has everything a hybrid shooter needs. I hope the next s1h will be a video only either extra features like a larger lcd and if possible ND filters.
Oh yeah fwiw, personally putting aside all other factors, I think the S1H is one of the best images in the current market. That's just IMO of course.
Agreed they should just make the S2H fully video. They could have done that with the BS1H if they made it a tough bigger and added XLRs on body (even mini) and internal NDs. What a camera that would have been.
And people who require better photos than the s1h can deliver and at the same time feel underserved with the video of the s1 or s1r it’s very simple get an s1h and a s1r. I mean if you require these specs then it automatically means it’s all super cheap for you anyway.
Frankly I prefer a camera with a critically matched OLPF. Absolutely essential in a hybrid IMO. The slight difference in apparent sharpness without one is more illusory than real. It is not worth the moire even on stills. One can add a significant amount of post midrange detail sharpening (microcontrast) to an OLPF camera without triggering moire or getting over enhanced edges.
Frankly I prefer a camera with a critically matched OLPF. Absolutely essential in a hybrid IMO. The slight difference in apparent sharpness without one is more illusory than real. It is not worth the moire even on stills. One can add a significant amount of post midrange detail sharpening (microcontrast) to an OLPF camera without triggering moire or getting over enhanced edges.

for the vast majority of shooting people do here now, that's true. It's not true for macro & micro videography (quite niche obviously). That also applies to tele landscape, street & wildlife shots I do. I'd also argue that in the future; if shooters are planning to be able to reframe extensively off 8k footage for 4k delivery; not wanting any hit to sharpness as a default can make sense.

I totally understand the necessity for an OLPF in cinema & narrative. For other shooters; rare moire issues aside -- excessive sharpness in footage can be visually blunted pretty easily in post, or by putting a filter in front of the sensor. For my $4-6k hybrid dollars, I'd be going for models with no/removable filter as I am still using these camera for stills.

I have an S1H & find it a lovely portraiture camera, couldn't care less about the sharpness hit in that situation (it becomes a plus). It IS noticeable, to me. But I am the weirdo who shoots video & also makes really large prints
Im not fully across the brand or the issues.

back in the day i had a no filter kodak 14n

moire was hell - clothes stitching or trees in a wide land scape or beard or eyebrows or anything

certainly lost me a clothing client

oplf is always needed