I see that there is blue color in the primer example but when I generate random GDLs with IDA, all of my graphs are no color backgrounds. Is there some setting I need to turn on in IDA for coloring the root?
By starting symbol do you mean something like this:
(in primer example)
ROM:40147108: xor eax, eax
then the symbol would be ROM:40417108?
Finding symbol is easier when it's something like this as it happens to be the first line:
push 0ch
push offset....
Try to use color, as I can see that it have color difference visually.
By starting symbol do you mean something like this:
(in primer example)
ROM:40147108: xor eax, eax
then the symbol would be ROM:40417108?
Finding symbol is easier when it's something like this as it happens to be the first line:
push 0ch
push offset....
I mean that search could have two modes: search any substring or only starting symbols of each function name. Sometimes I need any substring, but most time starting symbols is prefereble mode.