Calling all entrants - Upload DVD Files Now!

Larry Rutledge

Fest Master
To make things easier for myself, I have decided to clear my archives and ask ALL entrants to please re-upload your DVD version of the film.

You can either send a single mpeg-2 file that contains both audio and video, or you can de-mux it into a separate audio file. In either case, please put the file(s) into a ZIP archive before uploading (this will help ensure there is enough space on the web server for everyone).

Note: Please do not include the festival version of the film, only the DVD version.

To send your DVD version of your film, please connect to the following FTP server:

Username: u44355667-dramafest
Password: tRuphUx8

Once you have uploaded the film, please PM me or e-mail me at with the following info: Full Name, DVX User Member Name, Location, E-Mail Address, Title of Film, and Mailing Address.

I realize it may be a hassle for some to re-upload, but because of the handful of last minute changes, re-uploads, etc; this is the best way for me to get a handle on what I have.

Thank you!

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Not a problem we will just have to make sure we find the right version. When do you need this by?
Hi Larry,

I'm uploading the ZIP file of 'Fade' right now, it's the same as before except I left the H264 Quicktime file out as you've already got that one.

As I had to do a PAL to NTSC conversion, please feel free to do a check of the MPEG2 file to see if it has a proper playback at your end. Thanx.
Uplaoding the zipped MPEG2 now. Zipping it only reduced it from 272MB to about 266MB ... not much. Also, this isn't the cleaned up 24P version I would have preferred to get on the DVD, but that wouldn't be ready 'till next week, so this will have to do.

Thanks, Larry!
Larry, let me know if my zip file made it up. Window seemed to time out (or something) with no confirmation of upload.
Envision said:
Larry, let me know if my zip file made it up. Window seemed to time out (or something) with no confirmation of upload.

Sorry Larry, we're having the same problem.
No problem...just get it up as soon as possible, I'd like to wrap up all the DramaFest stuff as quick as I can so I dedicate all my time/attention to improving the system in preparation for SpyFest and future fests.

Maybe I missed something, but wasn't there supposed to be a Drama Fest DVD? We uploaded all our dvd files for that reason? Hope someone is able to clear this matter, thanx.
i think most people like myself missed this message. I never saw this before... i never uploaded....